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We-Flytour vor Insolvenz – was it for Urlauber?

We-Flytour vor Insolvenz – was it for Urlauber?

The large FTI travel center was established with We-Flytour from the next agency in the small – the small Anbieter the first seit 2023 on the active market. Was das für Pauschalreisende bedeutet.


Der auf Türkeireisen spezialisierte Reiseveranstalter We-Flytour muss Insolvenz anmelden. Companies had to deal with the start of this insolvency period by relying on the German Pension Fund (DRSF) on its website with. Über We-Flytour will be suspended if it is DRSF abgesichert.

Nach Angaben des Absicherers Hat We-Flytour welcomes you to the night before you take a break with the arrival of November 26th. The insolvency of several people is beyond 1,500 trips between them, which occurs with the security authorities in the Urlaub – before their arrival in Turkey and Egypt.

Hotlines for telephone support services

The DRSF is committed to ensuring that all rest stays are activated in the Urlaub, period security or the enhancement of the Urlaubs. Betroffene, deren Reise storniert wurde, bekämen bereits geleistete Zahlungen erstattet. If you are in the Verbindung setzen, then the Rückholaktionen abgeschlossen seien.

For business travel, you have access to telephone assistance lines:

  • If you are in Türkiye, you can call the following numbers: +90 (0) 533 653 35 38 and +90 (0) 533 613 91 53.
  • Travel to other locations can be contacted on the number +49 (0) 69 9588 4076.
  • For all other insolvency cases, you can contact the DRSF general hotline on +49 (0) 30 25 89 87 253 (Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; Saturday to Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)

The Absicherung beim Deutschen Reisesicherungsfonds (DRSF) is a means of financing large-scale trips with more than one million euros in travel contracts. If you do not have any details, you may find that you do not have any individual information.

Rückzug des Kreditkarten-Dienstleisters als Grund

Wie das Portal “touristik aktuell” berichtet, habe der Heilbronner Reiseanbieter am Samstag angekündigt, “in Kürze” beim zuständigen Amtsgericht Insolvenz anmelden zu müssen. While Gründe has businessmen in a credit card of the Get Net credit card and help in the search for a new generated business, it is a “tourist business” within a business card from We-Flytour.

The Reiseveranstalter aus Heilbronn War im September 2023 has been published. Für eine Stellungnahme des Unternehmens war am Montagmorgen zunächst neemand zu erreichen.

Auf Reisesicherungsschein achten

The people of We-Flytour will not have the courage of the insolvency of the FTI in June of these years, while the business trips of millions of years take place – they are still there, as it is is the case, from the emergency to their break trip before buying, Dass sie vom Anbieter un Reisesicherungsschein bekommen et cesen gut aufbewahren.

Now you can avoid the DRSF for the most recent errors, and you will be able to check them out. Without an absorption being possible within the insolvency administration process, a woman inside forderungen can flourish – the danger and often the man has no life.

FTI: Bislang 160 million euros announced

I came across the FTI-Pleite of the DRSF after having obtained 160 million euros and Erstattungen geleistet. Bislang seien 135,000 Anträge eingereicht worden, 120,000 wurden dem Fonds zufolge schon Bearbeitet. (dpa)