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HAK/HAS: “Firi” Finance and Risk Management in the School

HAK/HAS: “Firi” Finance and Risk Management in the School

Seit Kurzem bietet die HAK/HAS Oberpullendorf ihren Schülerinnen et Schülern die Möglichkeit, the new Ausbildungsschwerpunkt “Finanz- und Risikomanagement” (FiRi) zu belegen. This strategic point of view directed by Sparta Bank and the management of civil society extends and is rich for young men, their financial business and their vertiefen möchten.

OBERPULLENDORF. These new black spots do not concern the fundamental issues of financial and risk management, but also financial institutions and financial institutions, as well as specialized and multi-purpose financial institutions. Damit erhalten die Jugendlichen einen besseren Überblick über wirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge et finanzielle Entscheidungsprozesse, die ihnen später im Berufsleben von Nutzen sein werden. This means that the Risikomanagement mit Bewertungen von Liegenschaften et die Erstellung eines Haushaltsplanes.

“The Financial Competition is a qualification of Schlüssel, which is in the current moment, in what is happening. You have young employees, investments financed in credit applications, verification and remittance of funds,” said Alexander Kubin, Obmann der Sparte Bank and remittance.

In the HAK/HAS Oberpullendorf we have the new training "Firi" Finanz- und Risikomanagement, vorgestellt. | Photo: Rosenberger

Hoher Praxisbezug mit Zertifikat

Die Ausbildung zeichnet sich durch einen hohen Praxisbezug aus. Experts and experts from banks, services and business society work with teachers and teachers, so that schools are active and practical. Zum Abschluss des Schwerpunkts erhalten die Schülerinnen et Schüler un eigenes Zertifikat, das ihre neu erlernten Fähigkeiten bestätigt. The illustration is for young people very expensive, a cost of 30 euros can be paid. Also we have the Prüfungen teilweise in der Schule et teilweise bei der Wirtschaftskammer, abgelegt.

Spartanobmann Alexander Kubin, Spartengeschäftsführerin Ulrike Camara-Ehn, HAK-FiRi-Koordinatorin Rita Binder-Schöll and Directorin Sonja Hasler (vl). | Photo: Rosenberger

Zukunftsorientierte Ausbildung

Sonja Hasler, director of HAK Oberpullendorf, is the project director of this project: “In a period of standard information, the definition of finances is even more interesting for a better presentation of the overall picture. Our Schülerinnen and Schüler benefit from easy and versatile practice and education in the world of finance.

With “FiRi”, the Oberpullendorf HAK is placed in a future-oriented study area, with the takeover of Jugendlichen, which is managed by civil society agencies and its competence competences for your workspaces.

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