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SLR Group will display the final light of the trip on 23/24 and a preview of the trip on 24/25 • news • onvista

SLR Group will display the final light of the trip on 23/24 and a preview of the trip on 24/25 • news • onvista

EQS-News: SLR Group GmbH / Schlagwort(e): Jahresbericht

SLR Group will have a final trip preview on 23/24 and a trip preview on 24/25.

27.11.2024 / 16:10 CET/CEST

Für denhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.

SLR Group will have a final trip preview on 23/24 and a trip preview on 24/25.

  • Achieved an EBITDA of 24.9 million. EUR to Geschäftsjahr 23/24
  • “Adapt & Grow” package of measures with a focus on efficiency and cost reduction
  • Prediction for Geschäftsjahr 24/25: Gesamtproduktion bzw. global tonnage with a size of 100 kilotons and an EBITDA of 20 million. EUR issued
  • Langfristige Wachstumspotential in den Kernsegmenten Agrar and Bauwesen

Saint-Léon-Rot, November 27, 2024 – The SLR Group GmbH, a supplier of high-quality, high-quality components, last tested the HGB cooperation board for catering service on 23/24. EBITDA reached 24.9 million in the 23/24 financial year. EUR (Pro-forma-Zahlen für das Gesamtjahr 23/24 der bisher operativ tätigen SLR Holding GmbH). This is a buyback of 32% coming from the trauma of the past (GJ 22/23: 36.3 million euros). The EBITDA profit margin is 10.6% (GJ 22/23: 15.0%).

Gunnar Halden, CFO of the SLR Group, said: “La guerre vergangene Geschäftsjahr durch einen allgemeinen Abschwung im Agrarsektor und im Bauwesen geprägt. This will also be the case for the SLR group with lower operating volumes in the central segments. This is a frühzeitig entsprechende Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Rentabilität eingeleitet approach, which is positive auf das Ergebnis wirkten. Im laufenden Geschäftsjahr wird der Fokus weiter darauf liegen, das Unternehmen et die veränderten Marktbedingungen anzupassen. In the “Adapt and Grow” programs we have an overall mass package designed to reduce efficiency and costs in all jobs. You can also find Personal information on your own Standorten.“

For the operation of the SLR 24/25 group, industrial production and sale of tons with a size of 100 kilotons and lightness under the tires of the 23/24 sector are possible. Daneben enabled the SLR group to make a 24/25 year investment with an EBITDA of $20 million. EUR.

Jörg Rumikewitz, CEO of the SLR Group, sees the longest development potential in the central segments: “Market activities will be established for the agriculture and housebuilding industry in 2025. We see that the SLR Group is present in the core position, which allows us to obtain top-notch services with our company Bluechip-Kundenstamm. Wir wollen bereit sein, wenn der Markt wieder anzieht. Potentiel bieten beispielsweise mittel- et longfristig die Modernisierung et Elektrifizierung der Flotten. You can use high-quality and complex machine tools, which are specialists for high-volume Sphäroguss-Componenten components. Darauf stellen wir uns entwicklung und Produktion ein.

The final, tested Geschäftsbericht 23/24, is completely safe on the universities’ website under abrufbar.

Uber SLR Group

The SLR Group with its headquarters in St. Leon-Rot, Germany, is a supplier of high-quality, high-quality components, working in large off-road areas and infrastructure with construction works. SLR was established in 1970 and was designed for high modernity, with all production studios investing in Germany, Hungary and the Chechischen Republic. The group also offers a complete service for your customers, for companies and for construction works beyond Guss until they support the construction right. The SLR is available in a premier camera class with single-source devices in Europe and North America. Zu den Hauptkunden zählen marktführende OEMs et Tier-1-Anbieter. During the 2023/2024 financial year, the SLR group generated a net investment amounting to 238.1 million. EUR (Pro-forma-Zahlen für das Gesamtjahr 23/24 der bisher operativ tätigen SLR Holding GmbH). Zum Ende des letzten Jahres beschäftigte das Unternehmen 758 Mitarbeiter (HC). The company SLR Group GmbH has an introduction in the Nordic Bond format with a volume of 75 million. EUR begeben, die im Open Market der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse notiert ist.

IR contact

cometis SA

Thorben Burbach

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65195 Wiesbaden


Telephone: +49(0)611 – 205855-23

Email: [email protected]

27.11.2024 CET/CEST Publication of a Corporate News/Finanznachricht, published by EQS News – a service of EQS Group AG.

Für denhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.

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