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News with a Local Lens

Do you have other hotels with gourmet restaurants?

Do you have other hotels with gourmet restaurants?

Creative and creative F&B concepts will allow you to create real work for the hotel. As we have done and strived to achieve this goal, there will be a theme at the German Hotel Congress on February 18 and 19, 2025 in Mainz. Jetzt hier noch Frühbucherticket sichern!

Do you have hotels and restaurants looking for culinary businesses near your market and business? Darüber diskutieren at the Deutschen Hotelcongress in Mainz Stefan ZiegenhagenGeschäftsführer and Küchenchef, Köllnitzer Hofküche, Luisa JordanKüchenmeisterin and Chefin, Vinothek-Restaurant Lus Bunter Genuss im Hotel Jordan’s Untermühle, and Timo HildebrandGründer, why.

In another Beitrag erläutert Ariel Schiff, Gründer and Geschäftsführer, Amano Group, as is the case with the Konzepte de F&B Outlets 2025 and Zukunft entwickeln. Schiff offers 12 hotels in Berlin, Leipzig, Düsseldorf, Munich and London. Dazu kommen 7 Restaurants (Berlin, London) and 11 Bars (Berlin, Munich, London). The Amano-Gründer sets its sights on the background with its creative F&B and bar concepts. The outlets are not located near the hotels, but they are also believed by locals.

We offer other programs and themes for reflection for one or the other Personal information, information, and hotel real estate are valid and politically motivated. and damit verbundene actuelle Herausforderungen der Branche.

Thematic themes of the German Hotel Congress 2025

FOKUS I – Hotels in Fokus:
What are the political trends and global trends in your strategies?

FOKUS II – Mensch im Mittelpunkt:
Strategies for mitarbeiter liaisons, human resource development strategies and investment management

About the Preisgestaltung of Social-Media-Marketing:
To optimize your green channel

FOKUS IV – Hotelgastronomie:
Regional Genüsse and innovative Küche:
So here we go to the hotel for culinary highlights

FOKUS V – Hôtelimmobilie:
More information on the modernization:
So steigern Sie die Attraktivität your Hotelimmobilie

Neue Location and a first program

The 18. Deutschen Hotelkongress is on February 18 and 19, 2025, at the Rheingoldhalle Mainz. The premiere at the Deutschen Hotelkongress will take place with the presentation of the analysis of the reputations of the Top-Arbeitgeber im Gastgewerbe by Prof. You have the opportunity to act with your employer “Ausgezeichnete Arbeitgeber – Rating der attraktivsten Arbeitgeber in der Gastwelt” exclusively . The created program is found here.

Branchenaward Gala with 1000 guests

Am Abend des ersten Tages wird dann der renown Branchenaward Hotelier des Jahres vergeben. Round 1000 geladene Gäste kommen zu einer rauschenden Gala zusammen, zum Feiern der Preisträger und Netzwerken. What about this year?

More information

German Hotel Congress 2025

What is the performance and revenue management functionality?

Do you need a long lifespan and the best possible use? Does Welche Erfolgsfaktoren play a roll? It will also be held at the Deutschen Hotelkongress on February 18 and 19, 2025 at the Rheingoldhalle Mainz.

In Mainz you can enjoy deep thinking themes during diving sessions. Here you will discover the innovative solutions, practical tips and practical advice from experts and experts in the hospitality industry. Please note that there are 50 partners and Ausstellern inspires you, and you have new products and service information.

Network work and austausch

Darüber hinaus lädt der Deutsche Hotelkongress zum Austausch und Netzwerken ein. The program is rich for CEOs, Geschäftsführerinnen et Geschäftsführer, Vorstandsvorsitzende, Gesellschafter, Inhaber et Inhaberinnen sowie Eigentümer et Eigentümerinnen.