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KI-Update Deep-Dive: Atomkraft as a solution for KI energy hunger?

KI-Update Deep-Dive: Atomkraft as a solution for KI energy hunger?


In today’s news, in climate protection and security, even more so in the historical landscape, we have large technical companies with the slogan “100 Prozent Ökostrom”. “Das klingt für den normalen Menschen so, als bräuchte man gar keinen anderen Strom,” declared Christian Wölbert, journalist at Magazin c’t. Doch in Wirklichkeit kaufen die Tech-Konzerne auch conventionalellen Strom ein, da ihre Rechenzentren rund um die Uhr laufen müssen. First in der Jahresbilanz gleichen sie die durch zusätzliche Ökostromprodukte aus. “Faktisch triben sie damit auch die Nachfrage nach conventionalellem Strom”, so Wölbert. This slogan also applies to you in the Greenwashing category.

Eigenwerbung Fachdienst heise KI PRO

Eigenwerbung Fachdienst heise KI PRO

Künstliche Intelligenz is a huge stromverbraucher. The final version is all the Strombedarf for KI-Beschleuniger bis Anfang 2025 auf 21.9 Terawattstunden steigen – acht Prozent des gesamten Strombedarfs aller Rechenzentren weltweit. However, this is not the case for the remaining energy sources. Also the Allgemeine Boom of Cloud-Diensten and the New Bauer Rechenzentren three diesen die Höhe. Trotz der Ambitionen der Tech-Riesen, bis 2030 climateneutral zu werden, Zeigen actuelle Umweltberichte inen tieg the CO₂-Emissionen.

One day you will strive to go into atomic energy, with Microsoft, Google and Amazon. Microsoft presented an example of a deal with Three Mile Island plant partner Kraft that allowed a 2019 reactor to operate higher. AKW’s new strategy invests in technologies and a new concept such as “small modular reactors” (SMR). Doch ob cese kleinen, modular gefertigten Reaktoren wirklich sicherer et wirtschaftlicher sind, ist noch not bewiesen. Wölbert says that there is a day auf die Zukunft: “2030 is the first SMR for Google and Amazon in the region. “The end of the destruction of atoms also poses a major problem.

Who is intelligent, is artistic intelligence proper? Did Welche Folgen generate KI for our work, our work and our society? I’m Heise’s “KI-Update” which brings you the same with The Decoder which uses updates for the main KI applications. Free labels are provided by experts behind the look of the KI-Revolution.

Technologies, for big tech projects, are complex and durable. The stable energy bases, the principles of conventional current and the engines of Atomkraft are only one theme, the subject of focus is there. Recent years have been marked by the arrival of technological giants in their climatic environment or their sustainable development strategy which has not yet reached the energy hunger of technological intelligence.
