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Eishockey: Oilers Drehen NHL-Party: Draisaitl mit 2 Scorerpunkten

Eishockey: Oilers Drehen NHL-Party: Draisaitl mit 2 Scorerpunkten

Leon Draisaitl participated in the 17th season of the NHL. He played the seasonal and the Edmonton Oilers won the Utah Hockey Club. The Oilers had a score of 0:2 and a score of 4:3. The Eishockey-Nationalspieler in Cologne has the Anschlusstreffer vor et erzielte das Tor zum 2:2. For the Edmonton War, this is the second serial fight. In the table, the Mannschaft stops the Anschluss and the place in the Playoffs is headed.

Im Duell zweier deutscher Profis erlebte Nico Sturm den deutlich schöneren Abend als Torwart Philipp Grubauer. He fought with the San Jose Sharks in a score of 8: 5 against the Seattle Kraken and won a treffer in front.

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