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Cosa Resources participates in the creation of the TSXV for transactions with Denison Mines.

Cosa Resources participates in the creation of the TSXV for transactions with Denison Mines.

Vancouver, British Columbia, December 2, 2024Cosa Resources Corp. (TSX Venture Exchange: COSA) (OTCQB: COSAF) (FWB: SSKU) („Cosa“or the”Businessmen“- resources-corp/) you can also read the TSX Venture Exchange (die “TSX Venture Exchange“) den Erwerb (die „Transaction“) a project of 70 projects for such a rich portfolio of urban projects from Denison Mines Corp. (Toronto Stock Exchange: DML) (American NYSE: DNN) by Cosa under Auflagen genehmigt hat.

The companies began to occur, from the start of Handel’s transaction with their own Stammaktien on the TSXV on Monday, December 2, 2024, during the market period which will be aufgenommen wird. Trading with TSXV investors took place on November 26, 2024, when the TSXV wealth lines concluded with investors closing the transaction.

Further information on the transactions will be published in the press release dated November 27, 2024.

Cosa geht davon aus, dass die Transaktion Anfang 2025 abgeschlossen sein wird.

Uber Cosa Resources Corp.

Cosa Resources is a Canadian specialist in uranium exploration, which is the specialist in Northern Saskatchewan. The portfolio represents over 237,000 hectares of at most 100% managed research and joint venture projects in the Athabasca-Beckens region, which do not yet have a corporate and large inland or development tents in the region. Nähe von established Urankorridoren befinden.

Because the management team supports a certain number of years of assessment in Saskatchewan. In January 2022, Cosa teams received the AME Colin Spence Award for their next investment in IsoEnergy’s Hurricane management. For the hurricane, Cosas Mitarbeiter Teams informed officials about the response of the Lagerstätte Gryphon from Denison Mines and the Gemini zone from 92 Energy and a role play in the NexGen and IsoEnergy project.

Because the construction work took place in January 2024 during the first phases of the Ursa project, which was 100% carried out in the Cable Bay shear zone (Scherzone) over an extent of 60 kilometers. The Cable Bay Shear Zone is a regional structural corridor with advanced mineralization and rich historical areas. This is the best way to talk about the Athabasca-Korridor corridor, in the great new Athabasca-Korridor coverage. Das Unternehmen ist der Ansicht, the die hauptsächlich auf dem Fehlen modern Explorationsactivitäten beruht. Modern geophysical funds, which were identified in the year 2023 during the period of the year 2023, have identified further geographical areas, which are the result of a leitfähige Grundgebirgsstratigrafie under or in short areas with a wormy sand alteration and a geological zone, der für die meisten östlichen Athabasca-Uranlagerstätten typisch ist. Auf der Grundlage einer kürzlich abgeschlossenen Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) – Untersuchung traf die zweite et jüngste Bohrkampagne von Cosa bei Ursa auf ain in Sandsteinen beherbergte signifikante Zone des Diskordanz-Typs mit Sandsteinen und uneine Alteration, the von mehreren Abschnitten mit anomaler Radioactivity I am Grundgebirge unterlagert wird. Discovery research is planned for 2025.


Keith Bodnarchuk, President and CEO

(email protected)

Such. : +1 888-899-2672 (COSA)

In Europe:

Swiss Resource Capital SA

Jochen Staiger & Marc Ollinger

(email protected)


The TSX Venture Exchange does not yet have its regulatory department (which corresponds to the definition of this term in the wealth line of the TSX Venture Exchange) and supports the verification of the nature or wealth of this press committee.

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