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Vorbereitung auf mögliche Vogelgrippe-Pandemie: Grossbritannien legt Impfstoffvorräte an – Gesundheit

Vorbereitung auf mögliche Vogelgrippe-Pandemie: Grossbritannien legt Impfstoffvorräte an – Gesundheit

We are still in the dark, we are still in the world Vogelgrippe-The Fachleute epidemic is detected, just after Great Britain Schauen. Dort legt die Regierung nun Impfstoffvorräte an. More than millions of doses have been produced for vaccines for men and for the autumn, “the virus is a virus in men”, which is intended for environmental protection in respect of the UKSHA. While new ideas in this scenario are being implemented, the institution is not near small gateways, which could help with a potential H5 influenza pandemic.

This is a radical intervention, which will be carried out under the guidance of the country’s specialists with a view to creating a business auf Zustimmung. Ian Brown is one of the specialists at the Pirbright Institute who discovered that the highly pathogenic H5 virus appeared in only one under-eye and other zirkulierten levels, because of the risk to the treated men.

“H5 is draußen and wir müssen alles tun, um vorbereitet zu sein,” says Andrew Pollard, an infection expert from the University of Oxford. It is now possible that we have a new flu that applies to the list of pandemic diseases. A solid study of what David Allen, a virologist from the University of Surrey, who studied in Handeln’s business, says.

Germany does not have the right to the British Vorbild. The European Data Protection Center (ECDC) and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) are tackling real risks for rapid development in Germany and the EU, together with the Federal Ministry of Finance auf Anfrage mit. The Bundesregierung sei aber nur im Falle einer einer sehr ernsthaften Bedrohung ermächtigt, Impfstoffe andere medizinische Güter zentral zu beschaffen.

Prinzipiell könnte auch Deutschland Impffstoffe bevorraten. In the EU there are more vaccines against H5N1 for those affected. If you know about the RKI’s position and it was necessary for the work to be done, you will be able to do so. Impedance for other men is not possible. Sie schien bisher auch gar nicht nötig.

Denn H5N1 is a Vögel angepasst. Seit Anfang des Jahres hat es also Kühe als neue Wirte erobert. An menschen dagegen ist der Erreger nicht gut adaptiert. You can infiltrate the salt and the virus so that they are not the same.

Neue Studie Zeigt, Welche Wirkungen schon geringe Veränderungen of Virus haben können

If there are any allergies you may have, let them be given in the Fachmagazin Science erschiene Studie nahe. Now there is a new Mutation of Vogelgrippe-Errors, which can be used by Receptors and specialists. Another mutation opposes the linking of errors to a human Zellen in a mass, such as the “Schweinegrippevirus” H1N1 which appeared in 2009. The virus is at the origin of a “nahezu pandemic potential” which was published by the authority of Ting-Hui Lin of the Kalifornischen Scripps Research Institute in a news organization.

Die Forscher hatten für ihre Erkenntnisse gezielt das Eiweiß Hämagglutinin auf der Oberfläche of Virus verändert. If you do not use natural labor experiments, it is fragile. Allerdings ist die von den Forschern herbeigeführte Veränderung kein vollkommen künstliches Phänomen. While in Canada a youth school and a handful of Vogel were classified, the practice of chief studies was allowed to Viren aus seinem Körper sehr ähnliche Anpassungen entdeckt, commented Martin Beer, Leiter des Instituts für Virusdiagnostik für Friedrich -Loeffler-Institut für Tiergesundheit.

The authors, like each of their masters, have made it clear that the connection with a humanitarian Zellen is not one of their greatest difficulties, the transfers take place efficiently, on the part of Mensch zu Mensch zu verbreiten. Now there are experts, the Erkenntnisse ernst zu nehmen and the Vogelgrippe-Geschehen engmaschig zu überwachen.

Das gelte besonders für die vorstehende classic Flu season. While the H5N1 virus and the human influenza virus are infected, the risk has arisen, which is the case in a human or third-party organism and austauschen genetic information. So there is a hybrid virus, the types of viruses specific to being discovered – and falls are easier to experience in men.

Please note that the Blick is in Germany and the USA, but H5N1 is not in use. More than 700 Herden are available. Seit Anfang des Jahres haben sich in den Staaten 58 Menschen mit dem Virus infiziert, hauptsächlich durch den Kontakt zu Milchvieh. Das Tempo ceser Ansteckungen nimmt augenscheinlich zu. More than 70% of menstrual infections occur within two months.

Bei deux Fallen in the USA sowie a un in Kanada konnte zudem nicht nachvollzogen werden, wo sich die Menschen angelsteckt hatten. There is still a big problem that needs to be solved, but that is an infection problem that follows.

Now H5N1 has also arrived in Rohmilch, California. Rohmilch der betroffenen Farmen products are not yet available. These ingredients should not be pasteurized or pasteurized. Zwar gibt es keinen Nachweis, dass sich Menschen über diesen Weg ansteckt hätten. Doch die Gefahr weiterer menschlicher Infektionen wollen die Behörden vermeiden. Well all these solutions to avoid a selection selection, which is preferable for men. Eben jenes Scenario, gegen das sich Großbritannien nun ein Stück weit wappnet.

Mit Material from Science Media Centers