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Tag 11 with Pulse Explore and Life is Strange Double Exposure

Tag 11 with Pulse Explore and Life is Strange Double Exposure

The PlayStation 2024 Advent Calendar is no longer available with tag 11 from the halftime era. I am the focus of the Ohrhörer Pulse Explore and the game “Life is Strange Double Exposure”.

Sony bought 30 years of PlayStation with just one besonderen Advent calendarder – wer hat es erwartet – 30 Türchen umfasst et täglich Gewinne sowie Unblick in the PlayStation-Historie bietet. Auch am elften Tag warten net Preise auf the Community. Please note that the credits we invest in are subject to previous credits.

Heute gibt es etwas in die Ohren

The main prize for Türchen 11 is PlayStation-Zubehör and emotional storytelling: Teilnehmer können das kabellose In-Ear-Headset Explore by impulse Discover the narrative game “Life is Strange Double Exposure”. Während das Pulse Explore for an immersive experience that will allow you to win the game in a Bewegende Geschichte voller Entscheidungen et Consequenzen.

Darüber hinaus gibt es einen Nebenpreis in Form von “Life is strange, double exposure”. The winner of the Sofortpreises was awarded “Karaoke Star”-Avatar.

  • Top price: Pulse Explore + Life is Strange Double Exposure
  • Current price: Life is strange, double exposure
  • Offer price: Karaoke Star as Avatar

Games run from credits, games run through log stages, quizfrags or mini-spieles at the same time. A ticket for the Victory of the Day game costs 750 credits. You can earn more credits through PlayStation Trophies or bonus actions across social media.

The winner took place at 8:15 p.m. on the official PlayStation channels on Instagram and Twitch. Eine zusätzliche Benachrichtigung erfolgt par E-Mail.

Rückblick auf die PlayStation-Geschichte

The 11th Advent Calendar came to the PlayStation 2 Slim, in 2004. With your awesome design and new features with a built-in network adapter for the console, a complete alternative for your PS2. The external USB-Schnittstellen connectors Festplatten angelchlossen werden, was das Speichern et Laden von Spieldaten erweiterte.

Another highlight of the PS2 is the war with the Multitap adapter, until your controller is supported. There are classics like “Crash Bandicoot”, “Tekken” or “Twisted Metal” which are games and many learnings for the multiplayer moment.

Discover Sony in the Advent calendar at the start of PlayStation Networks PlayStation Store. You first created online games, communications, music, films and television series, as well as the digital Kauf von Spielen, which is the way of creating dominant form words. The back and forth was carried out by the Erwähnung etwas, from Start 1st 2006 mit der PS3 erfolgte.

More information on the PS2 will be available in future articles:

The PlayStation 2024 Advent Calendar will run until December 24. Neben Hardware-Highlights, more this is what’s happening on the PS5 Projubilee editions are also limited to the Pool der Gewinne. All Türchen können über official Website geöffnet werden. An active PlayStation-Konto device is an option.

More information on mergers PlayStation Advent Calendar 2024.

These news on the PlayStation forum are discussed

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