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Volksbanken Verben üppige Manager-Gehälter – trotz Skandal-Serie

Volksbanken Verben üppige Manager-Gehälter – trotz Skandal-Serie

The German Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken schließen ein Skandaljahr ab. The Bavarian Zahlreiche Institute is one of the leading agricultural organizations in Baywa and must not be subject to the political action of a möglicherweise pension company. Andere haben sich mit fragwürdigen Immobiliengeschäfte verspekuliert. The Genossenschaftsbanken Union Investment Fund must be placed in one of your central real estate funds, so that the Union zahlreichen investment funds are invested in significant funds.

And it’s very difficult to have a sleeve like the Volksbank in Düsseldorf and Neuss A handfest Betrugsfall in den eigenen Reihen, über den wie in diesem Fall inzwischen der Vorstand gestolpert ist. Begleitmusik cesser Vorfälle sind Gehälter an genossenschaftliche Manager, die zum Teil noch immer in die Millionen gehen.

Popular banks have relationships with the real estate company

The establishment of public finances was carried out in this sense by the German financial committee which defined the theme of the agenda. Your president Marc Branson hält mit deutlicher Kritik nicht hinterm Berg. “Every bank does not have clear words and does not have good risk management,” the central bank said in a message with the “Handelsblatt” and it was created. In a note: “The sorgfältige Auswahl des Führungspersonals ist extrem wichtig. »

Dazu kommt une Schwäche, die bei ce Bankensektor offenbar ausgeprägter war als eterswo: Die Volksbanken hatten ihr Immobiliengeschäft in Zeiten von Null- und Negativzinsen besonders austere ausgebaut. While vacations take place in other areas of wealth and finance, real estate finances are managed under Druck.

But the quality of real estate is as low as possible. Thus, the Volksbank Konstanz and the Privatleute 100-Prozent-Finanzierungen für Immobilienkäufe über das Netz des Finanzinfluencers “Immo Tommy” are ausgegeben. The real estate prices are sold in more than 100% of the properties, “Immo Tommy” has the highest provision.

Verschwundene Millionen broughten Institut in Düsseldorf-Neuss in Bedrängnis

The abstentions from real estate speculation are the fall of the Volksbank Düsseldorf-Neuss which worries schillernd. Dort hatte die inzwischen haftierte Aurélie B, a Jetsetrin and the financial management of French fashion Kiabi, 100 million euros invested over the past year. A month later, the Freeze has not yet been found – and the German Institute must go, in an imminent international business collapse that is taking place for the work.

University professors and a college of higher education are preparing to ensure that Bafin has its own beauty interview in Düsseldorf, which aims to have a group of legal specialists take care of it TO DO. The Bank is looking for solutions for the millions of people facing borders, and its security system is easier to use. You have to do it, it’s half of your own funds and you will be able to fall into the foundation fund of the branch associations.

Dubiose Investment in Rotlichtmilieu

Angefangen hat die Skandalserie mit der Volksbank Bad Salzungen Schmalkalden. The Bank features former national football players of the time and football credit experts. At the end of 2023, we dealt with two previous contracts and the Social Security Bill, which also does not require more and more understanding. Also, there must be a change in the BaFin einen Aufpasser entsenden.

This is where the Bank is located, but it is not in the Saubermann-Image of the Bank sollte; The Thüringen banker has a real estate building in his portfolio, auf der “Roten Meile” in Oberhausen liegen, a city management agency in Bordellen. In 2024, the bank must invest in investment funds, because it must invest in real estate with a maximum value of 280 million euros. The gleiche Schicksal – verspekuliert mit Immobilienfonds – is also the Volksbank Dortmund-Nordwest, where the Stützungsfonds should fall a spring.

Verbandschief Vertidigt Sicherungssysteme der Volksbanken

In the fund there is a time of 4.6 billion euros. Three of the 700 German banks and Raiffeisenbanken took longer with the same Prozent, and were informed that the Stützungssumme des Fonds ends up being. The sector is golden and stable: I am aware of the year when the People’s Banks and Raiffeisen established an anticipated victory of several billion euros – a record.

The BVR agency is headed by President Marija Kolak and is responsible for the system. When a bank takes this on, it will be implemented intensively through the Security Investment Program. This is why the general policy is a risk for the united society in mind. “Wir screenen alle der Sicherungseinrichtung engelschlossenen Banken stetig et proaktiv”, erklärte der BVR gegenüber dem “Handelsblatt”.

Trotz aller Skandale flies the Millionengehälter

The Skandalserie series is aimed at you Lauf, which makes banks closer to their Zahlungen, Mitarbeiter and Forstände erhöhen. Please note that big Volksbanken hatten im Geschäftsjahr 2022 Vergütungen in bislang ungeahnten Höhen gewährt. At the moment where the finance office of the financial sector is currently located, the Central Bank of Offenburg and the Volksbank Stuttgart are also pleased to have a Mitarbeiter with a salary of more than three million euros.

In the most likely case, Volksbank Dortmund received a sum of $2.5 million. For the year 2025, the rates start with the German People’s Banks and Raiffeisen Banks at 13.45 percent more and start with the inflation rate 2022/2023. The inflation rate is down 2.2 percent.

Der Beitrag “Skandale erschüttern Volksbanken, aber die Manager-Gehälter kennen keine Grenzen” stammt von Business Punk.