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Dear Abby: Why should I follow my wife’s heart-healthy diet. I’m doing well!

Dear Abby: Why should I follow my wife’s heart-healthy diet. I’m doing well!

DEAR ABBY: My wife was recently diagnosed with a partial arterial blockage. It’s not blocked enough to warrant an angioplasty or stent, so his doctors will manage it with medication and diet.
Because my wife now has to go on a special diet, she told me I can no longer eat something in front of her that she can’t eat. I have to eat only the food she eats.

My health is good and I have no dietary restrictions. Is this demand she makes of me fair? How can I deal with it? — PUNISHED IN ILLINOIS

DEAR PUNIED: I suspect that the diet you mentioned obliquely might be “heart-healthy.” If so, over the last 20 years (or so) the American Heart Association has published numerous cookbooks featuring a variety of delicious recipes. (I know this is true because I’ve dipped my beak into some of them.)
A heart-healthy diet doesn’t have to be expensive, and it could benefit you, too. If you’re craving something your wife can’t eat, eat it somewhere else so she isn’t tempted. It’s not a huge sacrifice to make and his life could depend on it. Dig deep, try, and remember that this is what a supportive spouse does for the person they love.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or PO Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.