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Satirische News: Where was Dubai? Schoggi and kein Ende – News

Satirische News: Where was Dubai? Schoggi and kein Ende – News

Dubai-Schokolade is in everyone – or not at all, so the Hype is rude and the little Angebot. Where is the Wahnsinn noch hinführen? And were Dubai and the Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate really davon?

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Simon Enzler’s artist has written exotic works of the Appenzeller-Dialektes brand, thanks to numerous präzisen, vielfältigen and politischen Beobachtungen, which are with a lockerheit vorzutragen white non-vergleichbaren. Den Salzburger Stier erhielt er 2007, actuell ist er mit seinem elften Programm

“Brenzlig” on the Tour


A single wind, a single wind passes through the gas. Hungry Menschen stehen stundenlang in long Schlangen an für etwas Essbares. These are five mittellosen of the Rande der Gesellschaft, angewiesen auf Essenspakete der Winterhilfe – sondern hippe Feinschmecker! Die willens sind, round 15 Franken for a 150-Gramm-Tafel Dubai-Schokolade hinzublättern. Das macht 100 Franken pro Kilo, dafür kriegt man Rindsfilet! Or like Veggie, a kilo of organic tofu.

I have no principles for a better Ovo Sport-Riegel.

For the weekend, the last time the Dubai-Schokolade was invented, its header was written: This is one of its delicious chocolates with pistachios and “Engelshaaren”: the best Kadayf- Teigfäden, the last Sussigkeit einen knusprig knackigen Biss verleihen. Im Prinzip is nothing other than a better Ovo Sport-Riegel mit Pistachefüllung.

And when a product like this is cooked, the bald man and other people have a piece of the kitchen – or better: of the table. In St. Gallen there is already a Panetone Dubai store, a Luzerner confectionery sold in Kunden mit Dubai-Schutzengeln and in an online store a Dubai drink purchased, a Dubai alcoholic drink with the dose.

Was it when we threw another die Metzger durchdrehen?

Get the principle of retail markets where the price is lost, so we will enter the retail market or a selling price. Also included: We have a pistaziancreme aus den Ohren quiltt – or even a Dubai-Schoggi von M-Budget given for 1.50 for 15 francs. So we are free tonight.

Wahrscheinlich werden wir die nächsten Osterhasen mit Engelshaarfell et Pistazienaugen noch teuer bezahlen müssen. Then the market expands and the hype crashes – high. Then I won’t prepare you, as you will in the next Buche grilling season, by serving you the overnight cooking dish with Dubai sausages and English steaks in a chocolate coat. And dazu gibt’s ein frisches Dubier!

It is possible that the Arab Emirate has various variations of Dubai and it is also easy to do so.

Is man above trademark rights? Doesn’t Dubai-Rezeptur have a regional specialty like champagne, and it must also turn to champagne?

It is possible that the Arab Emirate has various variants of Dubai and it is also easy to get started – both smoothly and zart schmelzende Imagepflege. For an authoritarian and absolutist monarchy, men have the right to be as strong as Elon Musk with winter protection. An all-fälliger scheme for entgangene Einnahmen lockt nun wirklich keinen einzigen Scheich inside der Klimaanlage hervor. Lieber frisst die halbe Welt etwas, wo “Dubai” draufsteht.

However, this is not a bad thing to do with the Tür. I am used to living in family time, a free day in Besinnlichkeit and Essen.

During these years we will offer you two best weekend menus. It is obvious that this is a typically Swiss Chinese fondue – if not in the past, a Tiktok-Heini auf die glorreiche Idee kommt, daraus once again a Dubai fondue to create. In this Sinne, a festive celebration and a good appetite!