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Müller must face Fallrückzieher “in Inventur”

Müller must face Fallrückzieher “in Inventur”

Bayern’s Routine Thomas Müller must focus on acquiring knowledge “in Inventur”, as he did himself. The last 35 years the Fußball-Profi played in 4:2 against the 1. FC Heidenheim on Saturday during the break had no new matches and must be able to get into return problems.

This warehouse is only a troubleshooting service on your part in the first half of the aufgekommen period. “Es war die richtige Entscheidung,” said Müller during the game of the Angriffsaktion, who did not have time to do so. “Aber die Landung war etwas hart. Da hat sich im Rücken die Muskulatur verfestigt. War is better, Jamal (Musiala) Platz zu machen. » The national player came for the captain on the square, had two torn shots and lost the match winner in Munich.

Schon am Dienstagabend is for Bayern in the Champions League in Gelsenkirchen against Schachtar Donezk further away. With Müller? Am Sonntag werde man “Bestanddessusnahme” machen, sagte er hinsichtlich seiner Fitness.

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