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Was the PUK under the hat

Was the PUK under the hat

In March 2023, at the meeting of the Credit Suisse Board, Parliament became a parliamentary committee. Never leave the Veröffentlichung ihres Berichts before. The most relevant answers and answers.

PUK will take over Credit Suisse's joint venture from UBS in March 2023.

PUK will take over Credit Suisse’s joint venture from UBS in March 2023.

Stefan Wermuth/Bloomberg/Getty

Anyone passing? Who robbed the Grossbank last night in Schieflage Geraten, Dass es zur staatlich orchestrierten Notübernahme durch die UBS Kam? When Credit Suisse ends in March 2023, Switzerland will be looking for the Ursachen of the CS-Krise.

The answers are those of the Abschlussbericht der parlamentarischen Untersuchungskommission (PUK). Mit der öffentlichung wird noch vor Weihnachten gerechnet. The paper is not up to the historical value, but it seems that the regulation of Swiss financial centers is planned.

Was Doch really capable of dying for the PUK, and was it sind ihre Grenzen? Das sind die wichtigsten Fragen et Replies:

Was the PUK included?

Since July 2023, Isabelle Chassot (FR) has been under the direction of the Leitung von Mitte-Ständerät for the Rolle der Behörden durchleuchtet. Besonders im Fokus standen dabei das Eidgenössische Finanzdepartement (EFD), the Swiss National Bank (SNB) and the Finanzmarktaufsicht (Finma).

L’Auftrag der Kommission: zu klären, ob die Behörden ihre Verantwortung et ihre Pflichten in the grössten Bankenkrise seit 2008 wahrgenommen haben. The National- und Ständerat established a parliamentary support committee in Parliament, “when it comes to greater Tragweite der Klärung bedürfen”. Das Golden Instrument like schärfste Waffe, die das Parliament zur Kontrolle der Executiveeinsetzen kann. Bis Ende Jahr die Kommission ihre Aufgabe abschliessen.

So that the PUK can be seen again Fragen: Is Finma available for the inspection flight? Was Finance Minister Ueli Maurer of the Bundesrat informed by the Swiss authorities of Credit Suisse? The Behörden bereits im Herbst 2022, with over 80 Billion Franken and Kundengeldern aus der CS abflossen, eingreifen müssen? Is there a universal regulatory filter for banks?

A complete picture of CS groups presents information about the PUK that is not linked. So, that’s not what you need to understand, was an intern at Credit Suisse. Das liegt nicht en hrer Kompetenz.

Welchen Zeitraum what does the PUK understand?

The various governments of the PUK – the jewels of the country and those of the government – ​​do not fall within the framework of the Monate for the Collapses of the CS. The Trachtungszeitraum began in 2015, when Tidjane Thiam is now warlord of Credit Suisse. Thiam is committed to CS dams being a new strategic strategy, as close as possible to the long lower strip of the Grossbank.

Who are the people that the Commission has weakened?

The Commission has a list of everyone who wants the hat. During a media service, the PUK did take place after the festival, and you will have more information about the protective measures of the central authorities which will take place during the summer of 2022 during the summer of 2022.

In addition, they are led by Marlene Amstad, President of Finma, Thomas Jordan, former President of the National Bank, as well as Finance Minister Ehemaligen Ueli Maurer and his wife Karin Keller-Sutter. The PUK officials were led by the heads of UBS and CS by the bank’s CEO, Ulrich Körner, and the bank’s president, Axel Lehmann.

Was steht in the Bericht?

The Inhalt of the Berichts is strong. PUK President Chassot informs the Öffentlichkeit sporadically through his study commission. This supports a stronger Schweigepflicht flight. Trotzdem drangen vereinzelt Informationen an die Medien durch. So berichtete the “Sonntags-Zeitung” diesen August von angelblichen Geheimtreffen, The end of 2022 regelmässig zwischen Maurer, Jordan and CS president Lehmann financed significant funds. The Commission does not have any instructions whatsoever.

Under the aegis of the PUK, the mandate of Finma, the National Bank and the Ministry of Finance of the CS-Krise. I am listening to the Commission Center to verify the role of Finma. The regulator is also responsible for supervising banks. Finma, under the presidency of Marlene Amstad, was never able to deal with the crisis. Trotz zahlreichen Enforcement-Verfahren hatte die Finma den Skandalen der Bank nur wenig entgegenzusetzen.

In the entscheidenden phase of the Crisis, the process of realizing the three Behörden was not restored. Niemand is also within the Aufgabe an, bei der belnden Bank einzugreifen. He did this, as did the role of former Bundesrat President Ueli Maurer and former National Bank President Thomas Jordan. It is also worth noting that the PUK Selbstkritik übt. Thus, Parliament has made available to the Finanzmarktaufsicht den vergangenen Jahren mehrfach zurückgebunden.

Was he affected by the Ergebnissen of the PUK?

In politics, the policy is that at the end of Credit Suisse, the precise idea is the best regime “too big to fail”, with the banks healthy and abgewickelt werden, we must do it. Discussions focused on the Bundesrat and Parliament for the start of plans to reform the Veröffentlichung of the PUK-Berichts.

Die Zahl der im Raum stehenden Vorschläge est rude. So, Finma has a list of different instruments, which each have their place. Beispielsweise die Kompetenz, gegen fehlbare Banken Bussen zu verhängen, ou das “Senior Managers Regime”, as well as in a bank the Verantwortlichkeiten im Topmanagement klar zugeordnet et schriftlich documents werden müssen. As UBS operates in one of its banks, the Finma also serves the Bank’s other bank accounts.

Zudem has various Vorlagen im Parlament hangig. Etwa zur Einführung der staatlichen Liquiditätssicherung. The Bundesrat has this “safety net for public liquidity” with the CS-Rettung per Notrecht in Kraft gesetzt. Im Sommer hatte die Wirtschaftskommission des Ständerats die Beratung darüber sistiert. Nun will die Landesregierung das Instrument in ordentliches Recht überführen.

Also the Frage nach der Eigenkapitalausstattung der UBS kommt anach Veröffentlichung des PUK-Berichts wieder auf the Agenda. The same will apply to the Bundesrat, which must ensure that the bank is a large ausländischen mit Eigenkapital unterlegen group of companies, which is in its “too big to fail” – says the April report. Derzeit liegen die Anforderungen bei zirka 60 Prozent. The Bundesrat got a preview of the first quarter of 2025 as part of the Vernehmlassung geben.

The Acts of the Parliamentary Untersuchungskommission erren nach der Veröffentlichung des Berichts in das Bundesarchiv. Dort unterliegen sie un sogenannten verlängerten Schutzfrist and sind während fünfzig Jahren gesperrt.

Do other people need CS-Krise to be able to do this?

PUK is not the first support, but with the end of CS explained. This is a diverse product, which also applies to the PUK-Bericht product. Dazu zählen etwa der SNB opinion for financial stability of June sowie der “Too big to fail”-Bericht des Bundesrates vom Frühjahr, Within the framework of Bundesrat 22, the masses of Annahme are working to ensure regulation. The month of December 2023 will see the light on Finma for you “Lessons Learned”-Bericht, in welchem ​​​​siech ein fehlerfreies Verhalten bei der Aufsicht der CS attestierte.