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Your current UK home: Sky and WarnerBros. Discovery werden sich einig

Your current UK home: Sky and WarnerBros. Discovery werden sich einig

In this case, it’s a clear WarnerBros moment. Discovery streaming service Max 2026 also in Europe will be released ( is available). Germany and Britain are now on their way to a long-term partnership with Sky during the war, which is not as long as “Home of HBO” inszenierte. Damit ist ann bald Schluss – in Großbritannien and Irland müssen die Kundinnen et Kunden von Sky until 2026 nicht auf HBO-Inhalte verzichten.

When the Unternehmen am Montag nämlich angekündigt haben, konnte man sich auf aine weitere Zusammenarbeit einigen. And it shows like this: The Max-funded version requires no cost to Sky’s human and financial resources. You will be able to discover all the HBO Originals until 2026, see. All the best HBO series are also shown on the Sky-Sendern indoors, making them extra festive.

Der Streit zwischen Sky et WarnerBros. The war of discovery is over. The European pay-TV transmitter is available in the American Konzern to experience the recommended “Harry Potter” series. Offenbar War is thus, the best Vertrag zwischen den Unternehmen vorsah, la Warner jedes Jahr vier Max-Serien anbieten muss, bei denen Sky as Ko-Produktionspartner mit dabei sein kann. Sky will adapt to the “Harry Potter” franchise in particular, as it has an interest in WBD and Sky’s programs and preferences zurück ( is available). When the sky falls, the sky falls.

“Harry Potter”-Collage fallen gelassen

The new “Harry Potter” series, which began in January 2026 or early 2027, will also be available from Kundinnen and Kunden von Sky – directly via the American streaming service. Für Sky is the agency of WBD in jedem Fall ein Meilenstein, by the man also in high-quality series and films which will be performed.

The creation of the partnership with WBD in the USA, UK and Ireland, which is taking place today, is a very good commitment and wealth for investment in Germany. We found ourselves in construction projects, thanks to Sky Kunden, which is new, as the best Inhalte von WBD on our erleben können platforms.
Sky Sprecherin

And also for the German Markt haben sich die Chancen auf eine Einigung damit schlagartig erhöht. Hier steht Sky vor den glichen Problemen – mindestens. During Sky Deutschland’s own production, a drop of the HBO series occurred here on the Loch. If you are looking for colleges and universities in Great Britain, you will be able to find them for Germany too.

Bei Sky äußert man sich auf Anfrage des Medienmagazins entsprechend optimistic. A speech said: “The creation of the partnership with WBD in the USA, UK and Ireland, which is taking place today, is a very good environment and wealth for investment in Germany. We are in construction projects, even if Sky is also new, it is best to use WBD on our platforms.” Sollte Sky is also in Germany with an agreement with WBD and its Max-Inhalten company, which is located in Germany. is during the extension of the Bundesliga-Rechte a twice as strong for football players.

“Sky as the ultimate TV-Ziel”

Vor dem Hintergrund der Zusammenarbeit in Großbritannien erklärte Sky-CEO Dana Strong nun: “Dieser Vertrag baut auf unseren bemerkenswerten Erfolgen in diesem Jahr auf. Wir haben uns die meisten wichtigen Sportrechte bis zum Ende des Jahrzehnts gesichert, nosere The partners are present and offer satellite services for IP services (…) This partner company presents Sky as the ultimate television site and the preferred partner of the Wahl for streamers, resellers and facilities providers.

And Andrew Georgiou, chairman and director of WBD UK & Ireland and WBD Sports Europe, said: “The recent study is the boldest for all, the technical support prices and the films are good. Max’s retail sales in Great Britain and Ireland, for the year 2026. from the popular Harry Potter series by HBO. Bros. Discovery mit Sky Fort and Vertieft will be placed within the framework of the Vertrieb and is also not in the universe of Max which will be as strong as possible for Start für Millionen von Subscribers verfügbar (…).”