
Mondor Festival

News with a Local Lens

This event in December is the day when it will not be possible to do so

This event in December is the day when it will not be possible to do so

Kurz vor Weihnachten steht in Pokémon Go stets eines der wichtigsten Events an. Dabei handelt es sich um ganz ganz besonderen, two community days. This month I will find it at Wochenende vor Weihnachten, also on December 21 and 22. Yesterday erfährst du, was the Event so besonders macht et warum du es auf jeden Fall spielen solltest. Das golden also for the players, the community day of the years has already been organized.

December Community Day is one of the most popular Community Day events in years. This is Pokémon’s chance for the 2024 Community Days War. In the vicinity of 2 km, events will take place and Pokémon will take place during the month of 2023.

What do you want me to play?

December Community Day will allow you to do just that. Also wenn du alle Pokémons schon schon, kannst du von 2-fachen Fang EP et 2-fachen Sternenstaub profitieren. People have a chance at XL-Bonbons and can even use a special pastry machine.

It is possible to create events for all Pokémon and for special jewelry attacks to occur. Hast du also das Entwickeln einmal vergesen, then bekommst du im December a second chance. Die Shiny-Chance are the events going well and are the best Shinys?

Why is Pokémon good?

During Community Day in December, a two-day event can allow you to discover Pokémon created by Tagen. You have already taken stock of the möglichkeit, the Pokémon zu begegnen, die im Rahmen der Community Day Classics erschienen. You are immersed in time for one minute of a day between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Am Samstag starts from Knofensa, Chaneira, Viscora, Bauz, Flamiau and Frubberln. Am Sonntag has Chance Menki, Ponita, Galar-Ponita, Strawickl, Zapplardin and Robball zu begegnen. The Pokémon in the Community Day Classic include Porygon, Feurigel, Kindwurm, and Tanhel.

Pokémon in 2023 in the mountains

The 2023 is not planned, but in December, the month of December, the Pokémon will be announced during the Community Days of the years. If you travel within 2 km of the event, the time of the Events is over. Before you know it, a Pokémon will be there, and you will have the test of events, and you will start the Events. Eier I am an inventor. Während des Events ist die Brütdistanz zudem halbiert.

This Pokémon is captured by the eyes:

  • Phlegmon
  • Galar-Flegmon
  • Quapsel
  • Togepi
  • Felino
  • Paldéa-Felino
  • Praktibalk
  • Milza
  • Igamaro
  • Fynx
  • Froxy
  • Mabula
  • eF-eM

All information on Pokémon Go Community Day in December is available I am an official blog.