
Mondor Festival

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Liquid Sports and Huish Outdoors were selected for their work

Liquid Sports and Huish Outdoors were selected for their work

Huish Outdoors without distributor in Germany and Austria

Huish Outdoors management company started working on Liquid Sports and Huish Outdoors at the end of February 2025. Huish Outdoors management company started working with all managers, until February 2024 – we will now do it. Date of delivery: 9.12.24, das das das Jahr 2025 gemeint ist.

Gallery 1 here

For the handling company and for all Sammelmarke Huish Outdoors products, it’s a good night’s sleep and an easy way out. Trotzdem is this strategy (?) of Huish Outdoors which is not available: the Bereits in der Vergangenheit gab es trotz anderslautender Ankündigungen un 180 Grad Kehrtwende. We have a preview of our 2017 to 2019 month end webpage…


Im Jahr 2017 War Huish Outdoors is a big theme in the industry. Damals ginges um den Kauf der beiden Tauchausrüstungsmarken Oceanic et Hollis. Die Idee, den führenden Tauchequipmentkonzern aufzubauen, der starke Einzelmarken unter seinem Dach vereint, wurde durch den Konzern lautstark vermarktet. Im Jahr 2019 wurde der Plan dann recht stillschweigend aufgegeben et der komplette Vertriebszweig an einen externaln Partner ausgelagert.

The Europazentrale (zuständig für Europa und Mittlerer Osten) of Huish Outdoors in Bad Aibling was replaced by losses. The war is a bitter merger for all German mitarbeiter of Huish Outdoors for all in the combination with the many resources of the Oceanic and Hollis environment.

This article was developed in detail by the development strategy in 2017, Liquid Sports, Kiel, the new distributor.

On December 9, there was a retail sale at the start of the Liquid Sports company of products from Huish Outdoors (Atomic Aquatics, BARE, Zeagle, Oceanic, Hollis, Stahlsac) in Germany, Austria and Austria. Italy.

Frustrated handling company

Other handlers erreichte some folgende Meinung die wir ungefiltert weitergeben: „Handel’s whiter was not with Oceanic, Hollis products and was not as good as other Huish group brands. The oceanic European war during 2019 is a drama with unlimited spare parts and guarantees. How to throw it wide? The Abwärts bei Huish spiral is so schneller…

Dem Commentar können wir aktuell nichts hinzufügen werden aber die weitere Entwicklung verfolgen et darüber berichten.

Uber Huish outside

The Huish-Marken portfolio includes Atomic Aquatics, Bare, Hollis, Oceanic, Stahlsac, Suunto and Zeagle. Mark Huish, the tradesman, has since 2011 integrated his sports brands into the integrated concert hall. And among other major brands like Scubapro, Mares or AquaLung, their product portfolios under the main market of producers and companies, have developed Huish Outdoors to the level of integration and stricter use, market brands under the town of Huish Outdoors. The choices were launched by the Konzept when purchasing Oceanic products in January 2015 in the month of October 2015, so Huish Outdoors acquired the services of Marke Atomic Aquatics for a first Konkurrenz in Haus Geholt Hatte.

Insgesamt kann man feststellen, the mindsestens in Europa the Strategie von Huish über die letzten Jahre nicht sehr erfolgreich ist.

See also:
Huish Outdoors is present in Germany (2019)
Huish Outdoors buys Oceanic and Hollis (2017)