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EQS-News: Evotec SE launches the first project for the LAB eN² accelerator with Novo Nordisk and

EQS-News: Evotec SE launches the first project for the LAB eN² accelerator with Novo Nordisk and

EQS-News: Evotec SE / Schlagwort(e): Sonstiges

Evotec SE carries out the first project for the LAB eN² accelerator with Novo Nordisk and

11.12.2024 / 07:29 CET/CEST
Für denhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.

  • Novo Nordisk and Evotec launched three projects from Boston University, Harvard University abroad with Mass General Brigham and the Joslin Diabetes Center within the Rahmen von LAB eN², which launched and worked on kardiometabolic research strategies.
  • LAB eN² was trained and studied by Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston University, Johns Hopkins University, Joslin Diabetes Center and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai as new scientific research specialists.

Hamburg, Germany, December 11, 2024:
Evotec SE (Frankfurt Stock Exchange: EVT, SDAX/TecDAX, ISIN: DE0005664809; NASDAQ: EVO) was launched, together with its translator Accelerator mit Novo Nordisk, LAB eN², in its first three ausgewählt hat projects. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, frühe Forschungsergebnisse von academischen Institutionen en uartige Therapeutika umzusetzen. The projects launched by Boston University, Harvard University in collaboration with Mass General Brigham and the Joslin Diabetes Center. LAB eN² also offers quality university training: Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston University, Johns Hopkins University, Joslin Diabetes Center and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

“Wir freuen uns hr, mit the ersten ersten Projects startnen zu können, indem wir Evotecs translationale Plattformen zur Medikamentenentwicklung sowe Novo Nordisks profundes Verständnis der Therapie chronischer Krankheitheiten nutzen”, says Dr. Thomas Hanke, Executive Vice President and Head of Academic Partnerships at Evotec. “We are confident that LAB eN² has translated innovative therapeutic concepts for patient work with adapted working methods. Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston University, Johns Hopkins University, Joslin Diabetes Center and the Icahn Mount Sinai offers us more information about Universtitäten and The LAB eN² university research institute was created with our partner Novo Nordisk for this accelerator. of ideal translation, an academic project that extends from the idea to the staff candidate.

The first three ausgewählten projects were designed to enable the search for voranzutreiben kardiometabolic solutions. The Boston University project, carried out by Dres. Victoria Herrera and Nelson Ruiz-Opazo and their Mitarbeitenden Dres. Sushrut Waikar and Joel Henderson, with new guidance in the process of developing kardiometabolic processes, pharmacological interventions for self-help, which aim to reduce the risk of chronic cancer (CKD) and secondary for adiposity. liegt. The research project led by Dr. Sloan Devlin at Harvard Medical School at Harvard University with Dr. Eric Sheu of Mass General Brigham will have potential modulators of substance classification characteristics, including molecular mechanisms for surgery bariatric, as part of these activities. The team worked together to form new therapeutic candidates for the potential management of metabolic syndromes, including insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. The Joslin Diabetes Center project, led by Dr. Peng Yi, a researcher at Joslin Diabetes Center and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, studied type 1 diabetes and a new autoimmune technology modulation project. The ausgewählten project was awarded a Discovery Award, with a clinical peak date for the future. Nach Erreichen dieser präklinischer Meilensteine ​​​​können Project für zusätzliche Finanzierung bis hin zur IND-Antragsphase in Betracht gezogen werden.Novo Nordisk hat ann the Option, spezifische Program weiterzuentwickeln et zu lizenzieren.

“We are inspired by scientific ideas, by this program and by our aufgedeckt wurden university partners,” says Uli Stilz, Director of the Bio Innovation Hub at Novo Nordisk. “The first project to be prepared for the first time is a chronic cardiometabolic exercise, and we have taken a few steps, with Forschern zusammenzuarbeiten, um die Entwicklung ihrer Forschungsergebnisse voranzutreiben. Wir haben LAB eN² ins Leben gerufen, um eine Lücke in der translationalen Forschung zu fullen – wir sind mit den bisherigen Fortschritten sehr zufrieden et mit der Hinzufügung von fünf Forschungseinrichtungen haben wir die Möglichkeit, plus wissenschaftliche Ideen voranzutreiben.”

Evotec and Novo Nordisk had a LAB eN² in September 2023 with their university professors from Harvard University, Mass General Brigham, Yale School of Medicine and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, at large. As part of the studies carried out by researchers from Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston University, Johns Hopkins University, Joslin Diabetes Center and Icahn Mount Sinai, we also have their project at LAB eN². Through the integration of Evotecs F&E-Plattform and the Novo Nordisks Krankheitsverständnis bietet LAB eN² clinics, adequate funding, a technical research program and therapeutic candidates for a period of therapeutic modalities hinweg zu identifizieren.

ÜberLAB eN²
LAB eN² was established as part of a university study work aimed at directing research, with the mission, towards the translation of their university studies into the Prüfpräparate (“IND”) for kardiometabolic studies and seltene Erkrnakungen of Bluts- bzw. Seltene Endokrine Störungen zu beschleunigen. LAB eN² offers diverse financing, expertise and technology, a product cabinet for cutting-edge clinical studies, which offers high-quality therapeutic products from Novo Nordisk for further investment and development. University professors work on joint governance work with Ziel, a simple idea for practical work. The research center is dedicated to the study of LAB eN² within the working group of forchers from specialized academic institutions and across Forschern Universities, Evotec and the Bio Innovation Hub of Novo Nordisk in Cambridge, Massachusetts, one day . F&E-Einheit, die darauf ausgelegt ist, mit der Wissenschaft zusammenzuarbeiten, entwickelt et umgesetzt. For more details on LAB eN², you will find here:

Uber Evotec SE
Evotec is a technology consultancy center with a unique design model, a same medicine for exercise, entwickeln and for patients made available to the machines. The companies’ multimodal platform offers a unique combination of innovative technologies, data and practical solutions for the research, integration and production of best-in-class and best-in-class pharmaceutical products. Evotec has partnerships and projects for co-creating pipelines with Top-20 Pharma and over 800 biotech companies, academic institutions and other education sector players. Evotec is strategic in a short spectrum of activities underlying medical activity indications, i.e. e.g. B. Neurology, Onkology sowie Stoffwechsel- und Infektionskrankheiten. Evotecs Ziel is, in this company, the world of “Co-owned Pipeline” which develops innovative therapies and offers a portfolio of more than 200 exclusive and co-owned F+E projects of new research in the clinic. Entwicklung. We work with more than 5,000 highly qualified personnel for Evotec. The range of companies in Europe and the United States includes highly synergistic technologies and services and complementary services and Exzellenzcluster. More information on our home page and follow us on X/Twitter @Evotec And LinkedIn.

Zukunftsbezogene Aussagen
This press service takes care of you with a zukünftige Ereignisse company, such as the information robot and the notification of Evotecs wrapping papers. Wörter wie “erwarten”, “annehmen”, “schätzen”, “beabsichtigen”, “können”, “planen”, “potenziell”, “sollen”, “abzielen”, “würde”, sowie Abwandlungen dieser Wörter und ähnliche Ausdrücke werden Verwendet, um zukunftsbezogene Aussagen zu identifizieren. Solche Aussagen schließen Kommentare über Evotecs Erwartungen für Umsätze, Konzern-EBITDA und un partner F+E-Aufwendungen ein. These tips for use are indicated in the information, the Evotec is in the shipping time, as well as in the tips and reviews, the Evotec has this time point for the necessary measures. Die Richtigkeit ceser Erwartungen kann nicht mit Sicherheit angenommen werden. These operations may cause and take unexpected risks during an attack of Annahmen and Schätzungen, which are inherent to the insecurity and the underlying dangers, denen viele außerhalb der Control von Evotec liegen. Evotec übernimmt ausdrücklich keine Verpflichtung, in thiser Mitteilung enthaltene vorausschauende Aussagen im Hinblick auf Veränderungen der Erwartungen von Evotec ou hinsichtlich new Ereignisse, Bedingungen oder Umstände, auf denen cese Aussagen beruhen, öffentlich zu updating or revision.

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Investor Relations

Volker Braun
Senior Vice President of Global Investor Relations and ESG
[email protected]


Susanne Kreuter
Vice President responsible for strategic marketing
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11.12.2024 CET/CEST Publication of a Corporate News/Finanznachricht, published by EQS News – a service of EQS Group AG.
Für denhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.

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