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Aufgedeckt: Wie die Geldwäsche von Didier Reynders funktionierte – or not yet

Aufgedeckt: Wie die Geldwäsche von Didier Reynders funktionierte – or not yet

This article is published in the original and is posted English

The new dates of the National Lottery in Belgium take place, with two new lottery contacts, with former EU Commissioner Didier Reynders and his wife at the helm. It turns out that you can win €50,000 in a quick month for the Lottoscheine ausgegeben haben.


The former Belgian Finance Minister and former EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders were named by the police during the Verdachts der Geldwäsche, vernommen. I think the National Lotteries were withdrawn at that time.

Reynders gave birth to documents strafrechtlichen Vorwürfe written and written, de lass die Gelder aus seinem Privatvermögen stammten. This is also what they say, that the Richter listens to the Ermittlungen.

New information, the Belgian National Lottery and Euronews have a contact, gave new light, like the multi-balance function of Euronews, took place – or did not take place.

Geldwäsche über Lotteriegutscheine?

Reynders et seiner Frau wird vorgeworfen, E-Tickets gekauft et diese zur Geldwäsche zu haben. These electronic tickets are sold in the Belgian lottery with a prize of 100 euros and are available in Switzerland, before you go to the online site of a game player. Die Gewinne können dann auf ein normal Bankkonto überwiesen werden.

The first problem: e-tickets are not the best lottery models, so e-tickets are often lost. In January 2024, we will sell up to 6,500 e-tickets and 10,000 e-tickets, like the National Lottery.

The Lottery is located in the community of States and Belgian States. During the regular checks in 2021 at the festival, there was only one check of a large Anzahl Lose verkauft hatte. More information is available for these services to be available with nur 2 Konten verbunden waren, die als politisch sensibel eingestuft wurden.

Discover a million games for men in the Belgian Lotto, with 39 accounts that trigger the alarm and the lottery with: These 39 accounts bring in more than 20,000 euros per year.

There are two points of sale that worry you: you can buy jewelry quickly for 25,000 euros, but you will not have to buy new e-tickets without having to invest in new offers.

These are people who were killed by Reynders and his wife, who ended up in a German National Lottery table auf.

The Staatsanwaltschaft was informed of the first 2022

The National Lottery tells you that it is still the verdächtige company that takes care of the insurance company KPMG with another quality improvement company. This year 2022 is well planned for the Schluss, because the risk of frost life is the best – a party, in March 2022 and the Staatsanwaltschaft was established.

The Staatsanwaltschaft reacted before August 2023 with a response to further information, thus the Lottery. In the Zwischenzeit gab es Bedenken, dass weitere Maßnahmen, comme le Einfrieren von Reynders’ Konto, übermäßig Verdacht schüren würden.

Since the beginning of Reynders’s state during the second day of the state in the Commission, it was necessary for Reynders to have aufgrund seines Mandats seine rechtliche Immunität nutzen.

The Generalstaatsanwaltschaft of Brussels is the best of Euronews about the existence of the falls, it is there, with other abzugeben comments.

This is not at all the case of the police trying to find out which situation is the most illegal. The Belgian media are covering the purchase of one million euros, which cost 20 percent by the Lottery reingewaschen moten sein sollen.

Reynders hatten über seinen Anwalt erklärt, die Gelder stammten aus seinem “Privatvermögen” and remains in keinem Zusammenhang mit seinen politischen Pflichten.


Frühere Vorwürfe strett Reynders bereits ab

Bereits frühere Vorwürfen, er habe als belgischer Minister Bestechungsgelder angenommen, nannte Reynders “bösartige Angriffe”. If you do not have to worry about it, you may be hindered by the EU-Commissar zu werden. This Vorwürfe wurden von der Staatsanwaltschaft nicht weiter verfolgt.

Kasinos must be informed, because it is aufgrund of the hohen Bargeldverbrauchs and their relatives Anonymität Geldwäscher anziehen. Lottery hinges are found in all areas and present new problems.

The National Lottery itself strives to use relatively low usage quotas and strengthened control checks as the facts show, because the criminal potential is not interesting.

The Rat of Euronews is precisely: You have money, and when you are there, you are auf keinen Fall mit Hilfe der Nationallotterie.