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The Europäischer Nato-Gipfel will be with Selenskyj reden

The Europäischer Nato-Gipfel will be with Selenskyj reden


The Europäischer Nato-Gipfel will be with Selenskyj reden

Updated on 13.12.2024 – 4:10 p.m.Lesedauer: 3 Min.

Ukrainian President Selenskyj attacks the FrontVergrößern des Bildes

Ukraine will support a single guarantee stand, with its security guarantee. (Quelle: Ukrainisches Präsidialamt/Zuma Press/dpa/dpa-bilder)


Europe is located on the Kopf above a path above the Russian territory from Krieg to Ukraine. A bombardment of Raketen, Marschflugkörpern and Drohnen brings the country further to Bedrängnis.

The European United States of NATO was led by Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky and provided leadership to Russia’s Angegriffe countries. When briefing the German press agent in the Federal Council, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte addressed the board of directors (18.12.) in Brussels one day. So this is a better safety guarantee for the fall of a food stand.

Neben Selensky worked for Ukraine-Gipfel Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) and assisted the heads of state and leadership of France, Great Britain, Italy and Poland in Brussels. The EU’s President is Ursula von der Leyen, who is the President of the EU.

A very specific theme is that of a surviving strongest war stand in Ukraine. With a golden option, an international fried structure in Ukraine for stationery.

The background to the security guarantee is the scenario in which Donald Trump and the US President take on Ukraine and Russia over risk management. While this is an example of Androhen Ukraine, I am in the fall of a fight against the Militärhilfe einzustellen. Russian President Wladimir Putin is preparing to go out, the Militärhilfe für Kiew auszubauen, grave du Kremlchef sich Verhandlungen verweigern sollte.

La Notwendigkeit uneswegs aus dem Krieg belegte un weiterer schwerer Luftangriff, mit la Russland die Ukraine am Freitagmorgen überzog et vor germany die Energieversorgung ins Visier nahm. Ukraine’s National Energy Exchange and private companies DTEK are founding new businesses at their handicraft factories. It is wary that Kiewer Zählung der zwölfte derartige Angriff in diesem Jahr.

Selenskyj teilte mit, es seien mehr als 90 russische Raketen auf Ziele in seinem Land abgefeuert worden. “Es gelang, 81 Raketen abzuschießen,” writes in Telegram. Allein die aus dem Westen gelieferten Kampfflugzeuge F-16 hätten russische 11 Marschflugkörper abgefangen. Vor der Raketenattacke am Morgen habe Russland über Nacht zudem knapp 200 Kampfdrohnen eingesetzt. “This is a major problem with our energy system,” writes the head of state. After the Ukrainian army moved towards the Hyperchallraketen Kinschal von Russischen Kampfjets MiG-31 at startup.

In many regions, potential disruptions are possible, possible overuse of vorzubeugen networks. Wegen des Luftangriffs must die ukrainischen Atomkraftwerke zum wiederholten Mal ihre Leistung drosseln. They are now looking for new active reactors belonging to the International Atomic Energy Organization IAEA in Vienna in the X mit network. Starke Schwankungen der Spannung im Netz, Treffer auf Leitungen ou Umspannwerke bewirken, the Reaktoren gedrosselt werden müssen. The IAEA does not intend to exercise caution, because Angriffe indirectly attacks the risk of falling prices.

Selenskyj erneuerte seine Aufrufe an die westlichen Verbündeten, mehr Flugabwehrsysteme zu liefern. Also these are the Sanktionen gegen Russland nötig. “Erdöl gibt Putin ausreichend Geld, um an die eigene Straflosigkeit zu glauben,” the president said. Auf massive Russian Angriffe müsse is a massive reaction generated. “Nur so wird der Terror gestoppt”, according to Selenskyj.

Moskau initiated the reaction of civil aviation against an enemy of Ukraine with the Angeblich Westlichen Waffen. It was during another Ukrainian attack on a Russian military plane in Taganrog that the two machine guns were fired, according to Kremlsprecher Dmitry Peskow of Russian military agent Tass.

Moscow’s Ministry of Greenification responded via Telegram, and Russian communications agencies responded to a massive Ukrainian packaging product and energy infrastructure project. This military and industrial versorge of the Gegners.

During the European discussions on the exploration of the Krieg, according to the Kremlsprecher, it is an international truppe for the security of a Waffenstill stand nachzudenken. “Das kann alles in Verhandlungen besprochen werden,” says Peskow. Einstweilen sei aber – wie er es darstellte – nur Moskau gesprächsbereit, nicht die Ukraine.

Ukraine does not have time to open up to Moskau’s services, according to the head of Ukrainian President Andrij Jermak. “Heute sind wir noch nicht so weit. Uns fehlen Waffen, uns fehlt ein Status,” Donnerstag said on Ukrainian television. “We will talk about an integration into NATO and the clear guarantee, the security forces, that Putin will not have zurückkehrt in two or three years.”