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EQS-News: Global Uranium is experiencing a landmark study of project data in Wyoming and

EQS-News: Global Uranium is experiencing a landmark study of project data in Wyoming and

EQS-News: Global Uranium Corp. / Schlagwort(e): Sonstiges

Global Uranium is aware of the study of a historical study on the projects carried out in Wyoming and

10.12.2024 / 2:00 p.m. CET/CEST
Für denhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.

Global Uranium is aware of the study of a historical study on the projects carried out in Wyoming and

In-depth historical studies on the implementation of the exploration strategy for the nuclear project in Wyoming

10. December 2024

Calgary, Alberta ? Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN | Over the counter: GURFF | EN: Q3J) (as “Businessmen“) We are currently in the process of finding out that this is an extensive historical study on a uranium project in Wyoming, Gas Hills District, Copper Mountain District and Great District Divide Basin, which was created. This activity is led by Big Rock Exploration, An exploration service provider, which has extensive experience in data compilation and geological modeling. .

Verification of historical data shall be carried out in the same manner with respect to geological, geophysical and geochemical data, explorations and production activities of the region have been carried out, for compilation and analysis. The Schwerpunkt this analysis will identify the potential of the Uran-Zielgebiete and the exploration model of the companies to exploit.

Wyoming Project (A #2 Airline, Jeep South, Big Bend, WAC and Jabs) Completed 2,000+ Acre Project and Strategic Surrounding Area of ​​Uranium Production and Transportation Projects . Die en Zusammenarbeit mit Big Rock Exploration durchgeführte Analysis wird genutzt, un de l’Entwurf künftiger Explorationsprogramme zu unterstützen, einschließlich der geophysikalischen Exploration et der 2025 geplanten Bohrungen.

“Our partnership with Big Rock Exploration is so expensive, seeking historical data with a great mass of know-how,” said Ungad Chadda, CEO of Global Uranium. “It’s a question of what we’re talking about in terms of our exploration strategy, which is one of the most effective ways to identify our Wyoming-Projekten.”

About Global Uranium Corp.

Global Uranium Corp. has industrial exploration and engineering activities of the uranium industry with the black dot in North America. Das Unternehmen besitzt zur Zeit folgende zentrale Uranprojekte: die Wing Lake-Liegenschaft im Gebiet Mudjatik im Norden der kanadischen Provinz Saskatchewan; Northwest Athabasca joint venture with Forum Energy Metals Corp. and NexGen Energy Ltd. in the Northwest Athabasca region of Saskatchewan launched the Great Divide Basin District, Gas Hills District and Copper Mountain District projects in Wyoming (United States).

For the Geschäftsführung

Ungad Chadda



[email protected]

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10.12.2024 CET/CEST Publication of a Corporate News/Finanznachricht, published by EQS News – a service of EQS Group AG.
Für denhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.

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