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HAK/HAS: Oberpullendorfer Schule begeistert mit Filmclub-Auszeichnung

HAK/HAS: Oberpullendorfer Schule begeistert mit Filmclub-Auszeichnung

The Academy of Arts Oberpullendorf has a role to play: 3AK actress Hannah Gmeiner has become the young girl of the Jury in the Austrian upper region of the Jury of the One World Filmclubs Award 2024.

OBERPULLENDORF. The 16th edition of the German record represents no more than one school, some of the young people of the national Ebene and some of the best known film prizes.

The Academy of Hand Arts will take place in 2023 in One World film clubs and will be run by the name “Tigers” in a clean film club. Schools and schools organize projects for the development of documentary films for education and the implementation of activities with varied themes, such as human rights, the environment, education and globalization. The documentations regen zu Diskussionen and bieten Denkanstöße, die weit über den Unterricht hinausgehen.

With the Oneworld Filmclub Award 2024. | Photo: Hak/Has Oberpullendorf

A platform for interesting topics

Hannah Gmeiner was nominated here, along with three other jury members within the Österreich vier Filme zu bewerten, these years for the One World Filmclubs Award nominated:

“Hass auf Frauen – Gewalt im Netz” (Director: Léa Clermont-Dion, Guylaine Maroist)
“Plastic Fantastic” (Director: Isa Willinger)
“The town of Anderen” (Director: Roser Corella)
“The Takeover” (Director: Anders Hammer)
The winning film “The Takeover” by Anders Hammer surprises the jury. The film embodies the multiple engagements of Afghan women, under the leadership of the Taliban for their rights. As part of the jury, it is said: “The theme is hoakktuell and zeigt, with radical politische Machtstrukturen das Leben young Menschen beeinflussen können. The film has been produced, lasts a long time and can be used by Schicksale.

A project with more recent work

The HAK Oberpullendorf set up with its film club in a highlight: Schüler and Schülerinnen met, so well critical with the world listened to and active in the discussions. It is accompanied by the project by the One World Filmclubs team, the past film and the materials necessary for its production. This film offers new insights and inspiration for business management activities.

Hannah Gmeiner posted a message about her jury: “This is an aussergewöhnliche Erfahrung project, such a promising project inside and outside of the film that was made, the wirklich etwas bewegen.”

The “Tigerenten” of Filmclubs plan for the Zukunft bereits weitere Vorführungen – un Engagement, the zeigt, wie wichtig Schulen als Orte des Austauschs and the gesellschaftlichen Bildung sind.

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