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Starlight Investments has set up an expansion into Britain with a venture of two large industrial facilities in Leeds Fort

Starlight Investments has set up an expansion into Britain with a venture of two large industrial facilities in Leeds Fort

Thanks to young acquisition, Starlight’s British portfolio reaches more than 3,600 objects

TORONTO, 16. December 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Starlight Investments (“Starlight”), a global real estate investment and property investment company, has numerous investment plans within UK portfolios by a company in a building comprising 300 building suites in rent (“BTR”) in Leeds angekündigt.

Starlight Investments has announced the further expansion of its UK portfolio with the acquisition of a 300-suite rental community under development in Leeds.
Starlight Investments has announced the further expansion of its UK portfolio with the acquisition of a 300-suite rental community under development in Leeds.

Das von dem in Leeds ansässigen Bauträger Torsion Group erworbene Objekt befindet sich in a erstklassigen Lage am östlichen Rand des Stadtzentrums, nur wenige Gehminuten von beliebten Gegenden wie Kirkgate anderen wichtigen Freizeitangeboten enfernt et liegt günstig in der Nähe des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs.

Le BTR-Projekt mit 2 Türmen, sich derzeit im Bau befindet, wird 10- und 17-stöckige Wohnungen mit einer Mischung aus Ein-, Zwei- und Trois-Zimmer-Wohnungen sowie 63 Tiefgaragenplätze umfassen. Now you can find out about the modern living environment with a modern Fitness studio, a Cinema and two Dachterrassen versions. In the Gestaltung der Immobilie there are also elements of the Nachhaltigkeit eingeflossen.

Leeds is the private city of the Vereinigten Königreichs and is golden as the financial center and research center. With a lively conception of modern and historical architecture, a lebedigen art center and an austere design office and architectural sector represent the city of a large Zahl von Berufstätigen et Studenten.

This building is Starlight’s second acquisition in Leeds in recent months and is one of Meilenstein’s most strategic in the European corporate asset management platform. With this Akquisition hat Starlight United Kingdom nun über 3.600 Suiten unter Verwaltung.

“We are free ones, the Präsenz von Starlight in Leeds, one of my schnellsten wachsenden Städte Großbritanniens, weiter zu verstärken”, say Jonnie MilichHead of UK Residential, Starlight Investments. The “Build-to-Rent”-Gemeinschaft association understands our commitment to investments in the high-tech society in Königreich companies. I am Jahr 2024 will have our portfolio in Great Britain with more than 2,400 euros in value, and we will frequently strive to expand our expansion over the past year.”

Uber Starlight Investments
Starlight Investments is a global real estate investment and real estate investment trust with headquarters in Toronto, OntarioCanada. Among individuals, homeowners and private business owners, there are more than 71,000 family homes and more than 7 million quadratmeters equipped with CAD vehicle fleet. 30 billion dollarswe propose an investment vehicle project for a versatile real estate strategy. The leitmotif of Starlight is, our commitment with the visionary Neugier in clear language to bring positive work for investors and positive business opportunities. Bei Starlight investieren wir mit Wirkung.