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High Tide operates 2 new Canna Cabana-Läden in Alberta bzw. Ontario • news • onvista

High Tide operates 2 new Canna Cabana-Läden in Alberta bzw. Ontario • news • onvista

IRW-PRESS: High Tide Inc.: High Tide presents two new Canna Cabana-Läden in Alberta bzw. Ontario

These last years were published in 2024 with 29 new branches in Canada

CALGARY, AB. what was said, uh in jeder Cannabis-Teilsparte a real tools to help you find Canna Cabana-Cannabisladen at 900 Carmichael Lane in Hinton (Alberta) recently selling cannabis products for everyday and consumer products for people starting to work . People will welcome you to the Canna Cabana-Subsidiary business at 1036 Pembroke Street East in Pembroke, Ontario on December 22 with the sale of the board of directors for public works; Der Kauf von Cannabis zur Freizeitanwendung wird folgen. With these new offerings, High Tide is no longer up to par with 190 and 191. Canna Cabana-Geschäftsfiliale für den Verkauf von Cannabis in Kanada bzw. 84. in the province of Alberta and 76. in the province of Ontario.

Standort Hinton

Hinton, a new market for Canna Cabana, is a town in west central Alberta, close to the Yellowhead-Highways, and a bus station from all over the world goes to Jasper National Park. Hinton is the ideal partner for the spiritual and cultural activities of Grenze National Parks. The new Canna Cabana-Branch is located at Parks West Mall, Ankermietern 2 National Lebensmittelketten and many fine restaurants.

Standort Pembroke

Northwest Ottawa is Ortschaft Pembroke with a price of 15,000. Couple takes advantage of new market for Canna Cabana. The new subsidiary company is located on a main street in the town of Nord-Sud-Verkehrsader. Mit nur wenigen Konkurrenten en der Umgebung profitiert dieser Standort von der Präsenz a nationalen Süßwarenkette en unmittelbarer Nähe der Pembroke Mall; in demselben Gebäude ist auch ein Franchise eines bekannten Fastfood-Restaurants angesiedelt.

I often realized that the high tide was in January 2024 from January 29 to 29, 2024, the new subsidiary companies met and we have our own company which took place today, January 20 to 30, in Canada . eröffnen. This bemerkenswerte region is very free cash flow and our expansion is easy, without we can find Barreserven anzapfen müssen. We look forward to our offering as the largest cannabis distributors in Alberta, who have 84 branches between them, and we will see even more consumer products in our province. In Ontario, the large Canadian market was hit by the Meilenstein of more than 75 Läden erreicht. We look forward to you, this Zahl zu verdoppeln, and nehmen die Obergrenze von 150 Geschäftsstandorten in the province of Visier, therefore Raj Grover, Gründer and the CEO of High Tide.

Canada is both a dynamic and a large market and we have more and more companies in our countries. The current time will be our angelspornt of our next international initiatives aimed at ensuring our global expansion. I want this gelegenheit nutzen, a team committed to a unique experience so that I can leave in December. Seine harte Arbeit bildet nach wie vor das Rückgrat unseres Erfolgs, fügt Herr Grover hinzu.


High Tide, Inc. is the provider of community-grown products within the specialty retail cannabis suppliers, and it is a collection of the world’s highest quality products for erschließen and from a cannabis distributor of two different sizes from around the world. The ATB Capital Markets project announcement was published on February 8, 2024.

. High Tide (HITI) is a unique solution, among specialized cannabis specialists, which is widespread and which integrates traditional medicine of the cannabis industry, including:

Stationer Einzelhandel: Canna Cabana is Canada’s largest cannabis retail store with 191 businesses in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. Canna Cabana arrived in January 2021 by the world’s first manager with a Cannabis-Discount-Club.

Innovative Einzelhandel: Fastendr ist a eine zigartige, fully automated Technology, the integrated Einzelhandelskioske, um beim Browsen, bei der Bestellung und beim Abholen ain besseres Einkaufserlebnis zu ermöglichen.

Konsum-Zubehör: High Tide offers a series of e-commerce platforms for businesses around the world, by,, and

Brands: High Tide’s hookup and buy brands include Queen of Bud, Cabana Cannabis Co, Daily High Club, Vodka Glass, Puff Puff Pass, Dopezilla, Atomik, Hue, Evolution and more.

CBD: High Tide is available on,, and to discover the best CBD ideas for consumers.

Wholesale: High Tide offers the Cannabis category with wholesale products on Valiant.

Licensing: High Tide offers cannabis cultivation through new partners and licensing agencies under the Namen Famous Brands brand.

High Tide is a trend set in a 2024 preview episode of Canada’s Globe and Mail daily business report, published by one of Canada’s leading investors. During 2022 and 2024, the TSX Croissance 50 index will be one of the 10 best players in branch diversification. It was announced that High Tide will appear in the list of Americans’ Most Anticipated for 2023 by the Financial Times and a number in the Retail aufgeführt category. Visit to see the full functionality of High Tide. Below you will find information provided by the service providers, including High Tide’s profile page on SEDAR+ and EDGAR.

The TSX Venture Exchange and the Regulator (in the TSXV Articles as a Regulatory Services Provider) provide auditing of standards or general news standards.


Media contact:

Omar Khan

Head of communications and public affairs

High Tide Inc.

[email protected]


Contact information:

Vahan Ajamian

Financial Markets Advisor

High Tide Inc.

[email protected]


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