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Herzog & de Meuron sells millions of ships in Canada

Herzog & de Meuron sells millions of ships in Canada

The Basler Architektenbüro Herzog & de Meuron is due for renovation work. The Vancouver Art Gallery project was completed profitably.

Herzog de Meuron
The architect Herzog & de Meuron has a big success in Canada. -Instagram/@herzoganddemeuron

Die Basler Stararchitekten Herzog & de Meuron have a prestigious business in Canada. As “Bluewin” was created, the Vancouver Art Gallery designed its work with the architectural office bedet.

The Grund für these drastischen Schritt has enormous costs. War project planned with 250 million dollars Franken veranschlagt, nun sind die Kosten auf 375 Millionen Franken angestiegen.

Trotz jahrelanger Planung kein Erfolg für Herzog & de Meuron

This huge expenditure of 50 percent of the Kunstmuseum was created by the Reissleine zu ziehen. Please note that the Plan of the Project will be released immediately.

Laut “Blick” will cost 40 million in this time Franken at the Geflossen Museum. These investment projects are not within everyone’s reach.

General measures for drastic costs are not indicated in the details. Experts check the use of materials and complex technology Anforderungen un Rolle gespielt haben könnten.

Verlust des Auftrags sorgt für Aufsehen

Die Entscheidung, das Projekt zu stoppen, hat in der Kunstwelt für Aufsehen gesorgt. Herzog & de Meuron is one of the renowned architects around the world.

Allianz Arena
And the Allianz Arena in Munich was created by Herzog & de Meuron. -Instagram/@herzogdemeuron

The Verlust ces Auftrags is a herber Rückschlag for Basel architects. Die “Basel Journal» berichtet, the Museumsprojekt nun neu ausgeschrieben werden soll.

It is good that this is the case for this ambitious Vorhaben.

The Herzog & de Meuron project is international

Das Schweizer Architekturbüro Herzog & de Meuron was established in 1978 by Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron in Basel. If you do not need to be innovative, you will find answers.

Did the bereits von Herzog & de Meuron have each other Gebäude besucht?

For your projects, test them Tate Modern in Londonthe “Vogelnest” national stadium in Beijing and die Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg.

The Office has won awards for excellence by obtaining the Pritzker Prize 2001 and the RIBA Royal Gold Medal 2007. With more than 500 Mitarbeitern have worked on a global project and have had activities in many countries.