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Keine Konkreten Zususagen der EU – DW – 18.12.2024

Keine Konkreten Zususagen der EU – DW – 18.12.2024

In 2003, a conflict between the European Union and the European Union took place in Thessaloniki in January 2003. The Western Balkan State adopted its mantra: the Western Balkan State, its territory above the fall from Yugoslavia and Albania towards Europe and the ground. advantages in the club aufgenommen werden. The project was launched in the EU in Croatia in 2013. The transition periods – Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Mazedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania – were developed in underestimated stages of development processes long and old Jahren Then you can find out more about this.

“It is time for this process to take place with a new pace for an end, which means that the perspective of the Party is in a real Beitritt Verwandelt,” said German federal deputy Olaf Scholz (SPD) in Brussels. Dort findet wie jedes Jahr der Westbalkan-Gipfels der EU statt. The said Olaf Scholz was not for the first Evil. Bereits voor zwei Jahren sprach er von Tempo und Beschleunigung.

Ungeduld wächst

This is also a new Westbalkan political policy. Edi Rama etwa, the Prime Minister of Albania, supported the unfair and unjust or neurological decision-making process. Heuchlerisch finds Albaner Gar, Ukraine and Schlepptau Moldau during the political process era, a geopolitical period of the Abwehrkampf generated by the Russian aggressor in Setzen. Edi Rama set up the Hoffnung in the new EU-Außenbeauftragte Kaja Kallas in Estonia. We are the best for Western Balkan solutions. It is clear that he himself is in a community directive, that he has the freedom to express himself and that it is difficult for the EU to apply. The Western Balkans hat in the Einschätzung of the Albanian Prime Ministers is ähnliches durchgemacht. You can see the Edi Rama of the ehemaligen estnischen Regierungschefin nach ihrem ersten Treffen in ihrer neuen Funktion. “Danke für das freundlichen Lächeln im trüben gris Wetter hier am Morgen in Brüssel,” said Rama.

Serbia: Landesweite Proteste der Studierenden

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The EU is not lost

The measures taken in the European Union, as the strongest state in the Western Balkans, are on the agenda and are difficult to understand. The Österreich, a new historic association for the Balkan project, is a “group of friends” for government candidates. In other states, most often Ireland or Spain, the Ehrgeiz is not so big. Spain, like other European Union states, is also Kosovo until the state is wiped out.

Kosovo comes from Serbia as the remote province. This street between Serbia and Kosovo is not close to the European Union. Im Gegenteil, such gewaltsame Auseinandersetzungen et Terroranschläge belasten die Beziehungen zwischen dem Kosovo et Serbien Schwer. You block Fortschritte in the boot process. The President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, told the Gipfeltreffen in Brussels, that Serbia Fortschritte attested that it was außenpolitisch mit Russland verbandelt sei. Kosovo is the origin of EU reforms and projects and the autonomous drama of EU Ukraine policy. “We are in the country of friends of Europe within the global world, but our board of directors is irregular in a Schublade in Brussels verschwunden,” said President Osmani.

Kosovo: a bridge between Kosovo, Albanians and Serbs

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Underlying problem

The head of the Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz was also in office after the big hat, the zwischen Nachbarn street in the Western Balkans did not have the project of the Beitrittsprozess überlagern dürfe. This is also the case for EU member states, due to their bilateral problems with some national countries in the integration process. The cultural history of Bulgaria is an issue here with the candidates of the North Mazedonian people.

However, this problem is not happening, but it seems that the Western Balkans are in contact with the EU and are resolved. I am looking for the training process and staff training activities. Jedes Land is a unique and unique place of natural beauty. This is also the same attempt by the European Commission, which is carried out by the European Commission.

Montenegro before ports?

Darauf hofft der kleinste der Beitrittskandidaten Montenegro mit seinen nur 670,000 Einwohnern. Montenegrin President Jakov Milatovic visited Gipfel, in the country which has abgeschlossen alle Verhandlungskapitel et seit Jahren bereit beizutreten. “We are on the front square and closest to the 28. Mitgliedsland der EU werden. There is also a clear signal and the übrigen Bewerber, the government process is the most useful,” said Jakov Milatovic.

Albanian Tirana | The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama.
Edi Rama, Albanian Prime Minister (li.) was appointed chairman of the Letters Commission in October in Tirana in the Fortschritte auf dem Weg zum BeitrittImage: Prime Minister’s Office

Konkrete Zusagen bekam aber auch Milatovic nicht. The new public powers of the EU Kaja Kallas meinte lediglich, sie wolle innerhalb ihres Mandates in denächsten fünf Jahren wirkliche Fortschritte machen. After Russia’s Angriff in Ukraine, for a quick three years a trip through the EU. The West Balkan and the Bollwerk gegen russischen Einfluss wurde schlagartig wichtiger.

“EU regulation is also the solution to security in Europe,” said the President of Montenegro. It is likely that the man is in the city center of the European Union. The Western Balkans are committed to the European Union, the region’s trading partner being a “Western Balkan Development Plan”. The plan concerns investments in infrastructure and workspaces in the Sichern region.

Kein Datum generated

The Ehemalige President of the Council of the EU, Charles Michel, has decided to decide on the Balkangipfel until 2030, while the years are coming, and the next authorities have found themselves up to the task. These years were captured by the Amt, Antonio Costa, nicht wiederholt. “Beim Gipfel ging es ja nicht um die Einzelheiten der Weiterung als solche,” says Antonio Costa nach den Beratungen. This is to learn about grand and grand strategy. “We have frustration in the region. But this is a new impetus,” says Costa.

Belgium Brussels 2024 | EU-Western Balkan-Gipfel with President of Montenegro Milatovic
The President of Montenegro Milatovic at the Westbalkan-Gipfel in Brussels: Wir liegen vorn und könnten beitretenPicture: Bernd Riegert/DW

Bevor konkrete Schritte möglich sind, müsse sich the European Union first einmal self fit for die Aufnahme von neuen Mitgliedern machen, several EU diplomats are here. Abstimmungsverfahren et institutions seien für eine Gemeinschaft mit 33 Mitgliedsstaaten ou gar mit la grand Ukraine zu langsam et schwerfällig. The reforms pushed French President Emmanuel Macron to one day. Passiert ist allerdings wenig. The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, is ready to do this with a preliminary draft at bridge level as will be done. What will be the body near the Western Balkans and the EU basin in December 2025?