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Utah wins in overtime –

Utah wins in overtime –

The first time the Utah Hockey Club and the Vancouver Canucks fought for the first time, they engaged in heavy checking and energetic play. Gleich zu Beginn put Utahs’ Nick Bjugstad in a Zeichen, while the first Bully was run by JT Miller to be safe and Puck to be safe. Kurz darauf landete un plus striking Check von Bjugstad gegen Miller, was the physische Intensität der Parti früh verdeutlichte.

The players on the Teams team live in this match, they are in Utah during the Checks section. Jack McBain and Dylan Guenther put in place many renowned players like Erik Brannstrom under the direction of Druck, who responded in Vancouver with strong actions like those of Danton Heinen or Brock Boeser. The RPGs expand into two zones, meaning the controller is placed under the Puck.

Die Torhüter, Karel Vejmelka (UTA) and Thatcher Demko (VAN), stand at the Mittelpunkt. Numerous studies from Utah, led by Logan Cooley, Alexander Kerfoot and Dylan Guenther, allowed Demko to dominate the betting. Also, Starke Reflexe, as well as the Schüsse von Conor Garland, Carson Soucy and Brock Boeser, are getting started. Trotz zahlreicher Offensivaktionen gelang es keinem Team, die Verteidigung des Gegners entscheidend zu durchbrechen.

In the intense play phase, the physical component of games is longer, moving toward the Mannschaften during checks and puck plays. Auffällig war die hohe Zahl geblockter Schüsse, was die Defensivarbeit auf beiden Seiten unterstrich. Players like Ian Cole and Elias Pettersson will see more and more abschlussmöglichkeiten. Utah isn’t running hard, but starken Thatcher Demko is going after the wind, while Vancouver runs into a shot from Vejmelka.

Das Drittel endete torlos, jedoch mit einem klaren Zeichen: Beide Teams est bereit, für den Sieg alles zu geben. Die Zuschauer dürfen sich auf ein witerhin spannendes et kampfbetontes Spiel freuen.

The other two players from the Utah Hockey Club and the Vancouver Canucks fought against intensive players, zahlreichen checks and schnellen Hin and Her auf dem Eis. Directly at the Anpfiff, Nick Bjugstad, JT Miller’s Bully, was the Utah player in search of the Puckbesitz. The Canucks were aware of this situation, they were concerned about Quinn Hughes auffiel, Olli Määttä’s dessen Schuss was subsequently blocked.

Matias Maccelli is present in the Utah section to activate and set up with two schnellen Torschüssen innerhalb of Sekunden Thatcher Demko under Druck. The Canucks goaltender has sovereign power and control. I witness Karel Vejmelka in the Utah class, as well as the school of Max Sasson and Elias Pettersson.

The part that was created was created by more Checks under the leadership of a stronger man in Michael Kesselring, such as JT Miller from the Kiefer Sherwoods series of Checks, with the Utahs players being older in the Schwierigkeiten Brachte. The physical intensity takes place for a while and often, while the teams have a good chance to play. Logan Cooley and Dylan Guenther went to Utah on the Tor Chief, with JT Miller and Quinn Hughes to other sites to get their fill of Vejmelka.

In the 7th minute, the long field came for the first time in the turn of the game: Danton Hein passed through the Quinn Hughes agency with a Snap-Schuss and joined the Canucks with 1:0 in Führung. Utah answered the prompt and was the Druck, while Alexander Kerfoot and Nick Schmaltz met Demko. The Canucks are very strong in defense and blocking defenses, while the Canucks are very strong in defensive zone and blocking defenses, while the Canucks are very strong in defensive zone and blocking.

Zum Ende des Drittels chatting is still a day of discussion auf beiden Seiten, doing a second minute of combat with Jack McBain for missions. Beide Teams went until the end of the second period, but Utah ran until Sirene put more Torschüsse abgab, who took care of Demko abgewehrt wurden. With a 1:0 punch to the Canucks playing into the second break, and the time for the Schluss action to take place at that point.

I wrote games for the Utah Hockey Club and the Vancouver Canucks, present in the teams of an intensive and nervous tournament. The Canucks started with a brutal start and were played for three minutes in a game written by Dakota Joshua 2:0, led by Teddy Blueger and Quinn Hughes. Utah isn’t comfortable and isn’t comfortable with coaching. Clayton Keller joins the team with a Snap-Schuss präzisen on 2:1, assisted by Nick Schmaltz and Barrett Hayton.

In der Folgezeit dominates an intensive set of games. Beide Torhüter, Thatcher Demko for Vancouver and Karel Vejmelka for Utah must have security responsibilities. A Strafe of Tyler Myers found himself in Utah in a particularly difficult situation, while Dylan Guenther found himself in a game with another auszugleichen treffer. Mit 2:2 ging es schließlich in the Overtime.

Die Verlängerung versprach Spannung pur. Vancouver has launched the offensive, but he has the same chance to work with Vejmelka in the Topform war. Utah faces the evil Angriffen, and the war villain Mikhail Sergachev, from the entscheidende Tor nur 12 Sekunden vor Ablauf der Overtime erzielte. Logan Cooley assisted Sergachev with Schuss, and Demko had Chance.

With this 3:2-Sieg in the Overtime sicherte sich Utah ainen hart umkämpften Erfolg gegen die Canucks, was die Zuschauer mit aerektrisierenden Atmosphäre belohnte.