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Afya Ltd expanded through new market in Brazil by

Afya Ltd expanded through new market in Brazil by

Afya Ltd (NASDAQ: AFYA), a medical research agency in Brazil, recently declared that it is a service agency of the Unique Faculty of Underwater Contagion. This teaching is part of the study program of companies in the education sector further and in the business strategy of Afyas, in the medical education market in Brazil for consolidation, where companies d Business has a nice overview of Rolle.

The financial details of the transactions carried out in connection with the intervention with the United States SEC do not constitute an infringement. Experts realized that the Afyas transaction portfolio was an example of design and that long-term studies of the companies support the projects.

Afya Limited, headquartered in Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil, is a specialist in medicine and professional education. The companies offer a wide range of technical services and medical studies to real-time assessment courses for corporate law. Die Integration der Faculdade Única de Contagem soll Afyas bestehendes Angebot an Bildungsprogrammen ergänzen et voraussichtlich the Marktanteil in der Region ausbauen.

The CEO of the Unternehmen, Virgilio Deloy Capobianco Gibbon, is one of the employees of the SEC eingereichten Bericht. Dies unterstreicht das Engagement des Unternehmen für ceses neue Vorhaben. The strategy of the Western State by the Übernahmen is an Eckpfeiler seines Geschäftsmodells, and this young Schritt flees sich nahtlos in this Ansatz ein.

This study, which is based on an official press, marks one of our Meilenstein in Afyas kontinuierlichen Bemühungen, seine Bildungsdienstleistungen in ganz Brasilien auszubauen. Übernahme is one of the best practices of Afya’s overall management strategy, in its strategic position within the framework of medical education, more for parties.

Investors and industry experts within the education sector and the investment sector work on the entwicklung aufmerksam verfolgen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird darauf liegen, like Afya this new institution in its best integrated company and the Ubernahme nutzt, in its market position nachhaltig zu stärken.

This Übersetzung wurde mithilfe künstlicher Intelligenz erstellt. Please note that further information is required to provide additional information.