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The “wolf syndrome” in men: people and people rich in reactions

The “wolf syndrome” in men: people and people rich in reactions

Haustière in Gefahr
Mostly verwirrt and aggressive: “Werwolfsyndrome” bei Hunden erkennen

In Europe, there are dog falls which are rather aggressive. Ursache könnten verunreinigte Kauknochen sein. If you react, when Ihr Haustier betroffen ist.

If your own dog is rather aggressive towards men and women, this one does not occur more, does not expose itself to a problem or violent activity, it is a shock for the halter. Since the end of August 2024, we will dive more and more dogs in Europe, these animals and these drastic methods. Tierärzte vermuten eine Vergiftung inside dem Phänomen, comme Editorial network Deutschland (RND) berichtet – gefunden ist die Ursache aber noch nicht. The Tierärztliche Hochschule in Hannover takes care of the action of the “Werwolfsyndrom”. In Verdacht, stehen verunreinigte Rinderhautknochen.

Why are the symptoms in dogs?

  • Panika Attacks
  • Angst (heulen, zittern)
  • epileptic disease
  • Fluchtverhalten
  • aggressive Verhalten

Dogs with “werewolf syndrome” have a sense, a feeling of panic, which is due to Heulen, Bellen, Knurren and Willkürliche Bewegungen äußert. Typical phenomena of the syndrome are the levels that can be used. A dog should be as aggressive as an aggressive animal. Nina Meyerhoff, professor of neurology and university of Hannover, teacher of the RND, is also a teacher of dogs under hallucinations. Just one level can cause seizures.

Meaning : Other neurological diseases such as health disorders attack the “werewolf syndrome” because of their more common causes. The Tierärztliche Hochschule in Hannover has a video on its Instagram account with two men between them, who have no way of doing it. Beobachten Sie bei Ihrem Hund an ähnliche Verhaltensänderung, ohne dass es dafür einen Grund gibt, liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass er vom “Werwolfsyndrom” entre troffen within könnte.