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PUK sees Credit Suisse’s too-big-to-fail regime criticized

PUK sees Credit Suisse’s too-big-to-fail regime criticized


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The overview of the Credit-Suisse-Debakels is also the same as the analysis of the Endgames. Sie zeigt: Eigentlich gibt es ein “Too big to fail”-Gesetz, et doch manövrierten sich Politiker und Behörden in eine Zwangslage.

Credit Suisse does not have a liquidity and profitability problem, but it is also a capital problem.

Credit Suisse does not have a liquidity and profitability problem, but it is also a capital problem.

Image: Séverin Bigler / MAN

Can you listen to Swiss international banks? Global ausgerichtete Institute, die aufgrund ihrer Grösse und Marktstellung für die Schweizer Wirtschaft unverzichtbar sind? Since the beginning of the UBS derisking in January 2008, Solche Banken has been at the helm of the country, its financial institutions and its institutions. And therefore, when the government of capital and financial strength will not be able to ensure effective risk management.

The Bericht der Parlamentarischen Untersuchungskommission (PUK) of the organization of Crédit-Suisse-Debakels is even more one of the best practices of this work. There is more than once the complexity of a problem, dessen Lösung weder a refined “Too big to fail” -Gesetz (TBTF) can yet another great person do a mass job.

2014 established an expert group of the Bundesrat “Expertengruppe zur Weiterentwicklung der Finanzmarkstrategie” under the leadership of Bernese board professor Aymo Brunetti: The Swiss system with the TBTF program can solve the problem – in principle. “Aber der Praxistest relativiert die theoretische Betrachtungsweise in beträchtlichem Masse.”

The federal government of the major Swiss banks has urgent prognoses and forecasts of failures with large Unsicherheiten bei der Implementierung Verbunden. “Von einer vollständigen Lösung des Problems ist die Schweiz noch ein Stück entfernt,” said the festival of experts.

Ermahnungen gehen schnell vergesen

Die damalige Diagnose baldness in Vergessenheit geraten. Thus, if the PUK has fallen in the various assessments of the Bundesrat since 2015 for the relevant banking system in Switzerland, the practice is very lautende, the positive management of the Swiss TBTF-Gesetzgebung internationally to read the war. In any assessment formulated by Mängel, none of these assessments will take place so far.

This is an investigation into the monitoring of financial ministries, for review at the Ministry of Finance. Sie blieb ohne Folgen. Offensichtlich lag hier kein versehen vor. Through their efforts in the financial sector, Swiss politics has had to strive to ensure that the regulatory system is a celebratory framework, which allows the PUK to fit into the parliamentary framework of the financial sector (Finma). festmachen kann.

The times are no longer the same for the political influence of the banking lobby. In one of the cases of the PUK in the exercise of legal rights, there is: The harmful regulatory practice and culture were created by the will of Credit Suisse within the framework of Article 125 of the revised 2013 ordinance “als von ici is not realistic”. lassen.

This article 125 is intended for Credit Suisse with the regulatory bodies specific to your Swiss higher education construction company. The Verordnung is an element of Schlüssel, das erklärt, wie die eklatanten Kapitallücken im CS-Stammhaus si gross werden konnten, car sie im Lauf der Krise un herausragende, wenn pas gar die wichtigste Rolle erlangen konnten. This verification was carried out by experts from Crédit Suisse.

Zwar stipulierte die amalige Verordnung in Erkenntnis des Nachbesserungsbedarfs beim Eigenkapital under Artikel 32 sinngemäss, a bank of the Eigenkapital ihrer Tochterbank does not have a financing contract of the Fremdkapital and the Kapital der Tochter deshalb vom Kapital des Mutterhauses in Abzug bringen mustste.

Doch Artikel 125 machte den Gegenschnitt: Die Finma wurde darauf flichtet, “Erleichterungen” zu gewähren, wenn das kumulierte Kapital von Mutter und Tochter grösser war, als es das Gesetz für den ganzen Konzern vorschreibt. Credit Suisse is actively interested in this management, as well as in the history of the decentralized financing center with public affairs management companies which attack the art 32 of war.

A sunset or a pragmatic vision?

The bank is defined by the argument, its equity quotation is 125 percent at least 19 percent out of 26 percent and the implementation of bisherigen management models is possible. The damaging public order of a political war wirtschaftscher Sundenfall, as the link between the political spectrum, is very visible, or a legitimate and pragmatic war, the Benachteiligung regulator for the country which has a branch that prevents, without the PUK beantwortet. This is also a political party to be taken into account.

Deutlich aufgezeigt wird in ihrem Bericht aber, wie jener politische Entscheid in a fatale aufsichtsrechtliche Zwangslage ausartete. The supreme regulation of the international capital standards Basel III and other regulations in force within the framework of the TBTF regulation within the framework of the Swiss Credit pension savings management in Austria and Austria.

Finma takes care of the new solutions and must have the PUK in hand later with Credit Suisse. It is based on 2017 “Regulatory Filter”, a system, in the Wirkung mit Artikel 125 identical war, aber Teil der Regulatorische Eigenmittel wurde. Finma gave Credit Suisse on the first day of its year, during the 2017 edition of the filter capitalization effect of 8 billion French francs.

Die Rechnung sollte sich bald als heillos optimistisch erweisen. Mit der Eskalation der Krise 2022 machte der Filter zeitweise 50 Prozent des Eigenkapitals des Stammhauses aus. The PUK is the ausnahme regime of the CS as “ausgesprochen kritisch”. Ohne den Filter hätte die CS schon ab 2021 die minimalen Eigenmittelanforderungen verfehlt. Make sure you have your play area for a 2022 herb sanitation. If the bank uses the capital base without filter on clean kraft paper, the PUK should be opened to the maximum. The wet services, where the bank relied on the insurance measures within the capital agency, take care of the glaubts vertigos, which have a long lifespan. Vielleicht gerade weil Politik et Behörden die CS long mit Samthhandschuhen behandelt Hatte.

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