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Kultur-News Häppcheweis: Was Luxembourg culture created

Kultur-News Häppcheweis: Was Luxembourg culture created

Was culture welcome at that time? And where are the security facilities if the public is not allowed in? Das Tageblatt quickly took care of the most important facts and the most detailed events.

Portrait of Julie Conrad
Portrait of Julie Conrad Photo: Editpress/Fabrizio Pizzolante

Ich bin erfreut, dass ich das erste Kultur | Lx-Forschungsstipendium erhalten habe, das es mir ermöglicht, tief in Materialexperimente einzutauchen und mit mit lokalen Produzenten zusammenzuarbeiten. While the great designers of Luxembourg must stick to the rich projects, find two projects, the production line (and the recipes) and finally, the world is alive, with more risks. Letztere sind es, die Grenzen des Designs verschieben et meine Entwicklung als Designerin vorantreiben, die aber often dans la Hintergrund treten müssen.

Julie ConradLuxembourg designer, through the Forschungsstipendium von Kultur | lx

STIPENDIEN Culture | lx teilt aus

Culture | lx verkündet zum jahresende, welche Kunstschaffenden 2025 in den Genus von Stipendien kommen: The new research program for design research projects led by Julie Conrad, Ruth Lorang and Georges Zigrand; for the “Global Project Grant 2025” for the support of the music by the composer, the Liedermacher and the Interpret Rome auserwählt. Beide Program belaufen sich auf ein Jahr. As part of the Design-Stipendiums Jury, Tania Brugnoni (1535° Creative Hub), Maribel Casas (luca – Luxembourg Center for Architecture), Jean Marc Dimanche (De Mains de Maîtres asbl), Charlotte Masse (Konschthal Esch) and Tom Tomschack (Design Luxembourg). The proposals for the “Global Project Grant 2025” are provided by Elvis Duarte (director), Marc Hauser (Rotondes), Florence Martin (Cité musicale Metz), Marc Nickts (Sacem Luxembourg) and Francisco Sassetti (Philharmonie Luxembourg).

MALEREI Zum 100. Jubiläum von Gust Graas

On December 19, 2024, that day we will have 100 years of celebration. 1924 in Esch/Alzette was born on February 19, 2020 the lawyer, media director and artist. Seine Nachkommen aben 2024 mit zahlreichen Ausstellungen et weiteren Events im In- und Ausland zu einem gesamten Jubiläumsjahr gemacht. The student lawyer devoted himself to the study of times in his younger years, then he was trained in Paris in the world of museums and artists of the School of Paris and another master, in 1952, at the foundation and Pinsel zu greifen.

In the sending of “Portraits of artists” (Télé Luxembourg), the journalist Liliane Thorn-Petit addressed the journalist Liliane Thorn-Petit, who looked into a Krieg verhängnisvollen, von der Sorge um Menschen geprägt , vorwiegend Männer, Frauen oder Kinder gemalt hat. Stillleben oder Landschaften waren ihm damaged als Motive fremd. Später verschwanden präzise Konturen – Colors and Forms vermischten sich zu artigen Kompositionen. The progressive entwickelte is within the universe of Russia, ausgeglichenheit and harmony proper, which is a formula, a “versöhnte et ausgeglichene Welt” for men.

The own Ruhe settles in the Mallorca Finca, which offers us well, a sich vom Stress of the Alltags as Managing Director of RTL zu erholen and von Sonne, Licht and südlichem Flair inspired by men. In Erinnerung bleiben seine hellen, freien, abstrakten Kompositionen, die er als CAL-Mitglied sowohl in zahlreichen Einzel- als auch Kollektivausstellungen zeigte. 1970 won the Prix de la Ville de Pollença and won the “Prix Grand-Duc Adolphe”. The president of the MécénArt asbl Association from 2010 for the support of artistic creation in Luxembourg participated in the 2013 exhibition organized “The winners of the Grand-Duc Adolphe Prize from 1946 to the present day” and participated in the artistic exhibition from 2013. Nachlässe.

Gust Graas realized that the past time in time was taking place in the Malerei ausdrücken wollen. This is where a personal activity was born with the work of “Painting is the free act of a loner, it is poetry and it is my internal life”. This artistic theme must be understood in the “Seele” which occurs during the night, when it is in the absstand zu seinem Beruf die Zeit dafür genommen hat. 1975 with the RTL broadcast “Portraits of artists” from the major artistic publication of great artists on the move. In the Begleitbuch zur Sendung you will find an artist portrait in a photo of the work “Oboe Concerto” from the year 1981, which is also symbolic for your musical life. Seine künstlerischen Arbeiten sind in zahlreichen Sammlungen vertreten. Geplant is also a user manual. Gust Graas will be 100 years old on December 19. (Fernand Weides)


Menschen besuchten die luxembourgeoise Ausstellung “A Comparative Dialogue Act” at the Venice Biennale

BILANZ Luxembourg at the Venice Biennale

The Venice Biennale at the castle End of November in Pforten, jetzt zieht Culture | lx Bilanz zum luxemburgischen Pavilion “A Comparative Dialogue Act” by Andrea Mancini and dem Kollektiv Every Island: Die Ausstellung, kuratiert von Joel Valabrega (Mudam Luxembourg – Musée d’art moderne Grand-Duc Jean) for 194,000 Besucher*innen an. The investment began with 700,000 men for the annual Biennale. Zur luxembourgeois Ausstellung erschien ein Katalog zur Eröffnung des Pavillons mit Essays und visualen Beiträgen der teilnehmenden Kunstschaffenden. Pages were written on a vinyl plate, “A Comparative Dialogue Act”, with samples from the Klangbibliothek – these words were written in the artist’s books by Selin Davasse, Célin Jiang, Stina Fors and Bella Báguena – as well only Live-Aufnahmen veröffentlicht. The following publications can be found on for an individual price (30 euros) or a package (50 euros) as well. We are not yet in time for this: The Pavillon is from September 26, 2025 to February 1, 2026 when it is reproduced. This Tagblatt berichtet ebenfalls über die Biennale – read sie hierzu ua die Beiträge „On the Luxembourg pavilion / Six artists in search of an author” And “Venice in the decolonial era» by Jérôme Quiqueret.

FILM Luxembourg City Film Festival give the first film available

Logo zum 15. Jubiläum of the Luxembourg City Film Festival
Logo zum 15. Jubiläum of the Luxembourg City Film Festival Copyright: Luxembourg City Film Festival

The Luxembourg City Film Festival has a first preview of the program for March 15 (March 6 to 16): this team has contacted the films in the “Official Selection Out of Competition” category. This handelt es sich um die Doku “The Brink of Dreams” (Collaboration Theater Federatioun), the historical film “From Hilde with Love” (Collaboration Institut Pierre Werner), the biopic “Oxana” (Collaboration Neimënster), the musical book “Peaches Goes » Banana” (Atelier Collaboration), the science fiction film “She Loved Blossoms More” (Collaboration CinéLunatique), the Doku-Thriller “My Sextortion Diary” (Collaboration CID Fraen an Gender) and the Satire “Universal Language” (Collaboration General Delegation of Quebec in Brussels).

INFO The „Häppchen“ machen Winterpause

The cultural action began on January 6 in the winter, but it also has a certain anxiety: we are visiting each other until January – and moving forward – with the cultural activities, until the “Häppcheweis” page current until January. Before you tell us: We offer to provide you with advice and guidance for discussions regarding our business. Auf ein 2025 voll vorzüglicher Kultur-Happen!

PERSONALIA Josée Hansen with Leiterin of “Culture of Service”

In the cultural framework of Escher in March 2024, a new wind: Josée Hansen, independent business manager of Lëtzebuerger Land and derzeit Leiterin of the “Department of Artistic Creation and Promotion” of the Kulturministeriums, tritt Ralph Waltmans Nachfolge an – dessen Kündigung wurde im Oktober bekannt. Hansen, during the zahlreiche Engagements festival in the Luxembourg Kulturlandschaft, created files: thus, the controversies take place in the cultural organization “frEsch” or the congress takes place in the “Building4”, visible in an overview of the association cultural “FrEsch” Richtung22.