
Mondor Festival

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Basketball: Buzzer-Beater is the best Gunners in a Happy End against the Dukes

Basketball: Buzzer-Beater is the best Gunners in a Happy End against the Dukes

OBERWART. The Unger Steel Gunners Oberwart embark on a turbulent day – with the commissioning of the responsibilities of the operators Kalil Thomas, on the other side of the game within the Teamkollegen of Daumen drückte and the kurzfristigen “Heimholung” of Gunners-Legend Quincy Diggs – as Tabellenführer in Duell mit den Dukes Klosterneuburg, mit denen nach der Please note that it is no longer a small war.

While the teams start with a high pace in the slow match for the week, the guests will worry about Dragan Bjeletic and the big ones will survive Will Carius of Nase before heading. The Gunners fight, with two Dreiern von Jonathan Knessl, heranzukommen, and another Knessl-Distanztreffer brachte auch die premier malige Führung. Doch die Dukes sollten sich this zurück. The meeting point in Viertelende is at 24:30 for the Klosterneuburger.

Quincy Diggs has returned to the Unger Steel Gunners. | Photo: Michael Strini

Gunners at 14 points

Im 2weiten Viertel lief es bei Oberwart nur sporadic nach Wunsch. The war of the dukes proceeded out of control and turned out to be necessary for everyone at a distance of a high level of security. Das machte sich im Spielstand bemerkbar. The Gunners often act aggressively and die uncontrollably from men, from the pre-opener until the 14th point (35:49) above.

Then they took the Gunners to the Gänge and encountered superb players in Robert Allen, Knessl and Ziggy Reid in their reduced position. Elias Wlasak stops after three days. The support hangs if it is attached to it. In the last minute, the Gunners Biss and verkürzen auf secchs Punkte. Damit ist wieder viel Spannung angelesagt.

Robert Allen in Duell with Dragan Bjeletic, der mehrmals as unangenehmer Gegenspieler auffiel. | Photo: Michael Strini

Gunners with one point of view

And I wrote that Viertel had the match hosts under the controller. You stop the project in the Acht-Punkte-Bereich. For everyone, Wlasak and Carius are sichers. Then he used Qunicy Diggs for a third game (62:68). Wlasak bekommt ann three Freiwürfe “geschenkt” and trifft alle trois (62:71). Nur eine von mehreren Szenen, die fragwürdige Entscheidungen der Referees documentieren.

Doch dann reißt bei den Dukes der Faden. Plötzlich sind die Gunners on Fire, à Klosterneuburg un wenig Pech an den Fingern klebt. Gunners captain Sebastian Käferle brings the Oberwarter with two three rounds at 70:71 here. Diggs took two free assignments for the 72:71 drive. Mit ceser gehts is also in the Schlussabschnitt.

Caleb Fields has the chance to be Punkte. | Photo: Michael Strini

Dramatisches Finish zugunsten der Dukes

Les Otten-Jungs nehmen das Momentum mit und ziehen auf acht Punkte davon. Allen took 80:72. Bjeletic stopped putting a Dreier den Negativlauf der Dukes. The Gunners are in contact with the best team. The line played Reid at 84:75. Das Match scheint sich gedreht zu haben. Every minute we end up at Oberwart at 84:77.

If the Gunners were to act on their own or later they were inconsequent and lost their positions, but Carius and Co. were left behind. It’s also a bigger Dreyer and a single ground from Bjeletic at 86:87. Two seconds before Fields finished was a foul, but it was applied to an open field during a game.

A Fehlpass passed the Gunners up to a game, so that Allen passed 89:87 for several seconds before Sirene. The referees check the Zeit and organize the game until the end of the seconds. With Sirene, Kyler Jenkins became the Dukes’ meter master. The referees check the distance and distance – 89:90. A taktisches Foul hätte diesen Sensationswurf wohl verhindert. So jubelten am End of the Gäste, während the Gunners sich den Honig wieder vom Brot streichen ließen.

  • Werfer gunners: Allen 26, Reid 16, Knessl 16, Käferle 11, Fields 10, Diggs 5, Patekar 3, Abou-Ahmed 2
  • Dukes of Werfer: Bjiletic 24, Carius 24, Wlasak 17, Jenkins 16, Bauer 4, Burgemeister 2, Blazevic 2, Vranes 1

Noch two games

Mit der bitteren Niederlage rutschten die Gunners auf Platz three returns. We will be happy on December 26, with the Kapfenberg bullfight, which aims to assure you that the Wiedergutmachung is planned. The game starts at 4 p.m.

The final match of the huge matches with the Meister and Supercup titles will take place in Oberwart am Sonntag, on December 29, at 5:30 p.m., at SKN Sankt Pölten Basketball.

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