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FIFA outlines transfer rules

FIFA outlines transfer rules

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Fall Diarra: FIFA responds to transfer rules

The current rules of FIFA include strong Wirkung in Kraft and may not be used for long periods of time.

FIFA is a subsidiary of Handeln

FIFA is a subsidiary of Handeln


The current rules of FIFA include strong Wirkung in Kraft and may not be used for long periods of time.

FIFA leads the Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofes (EuGH) in Fall Diarra in its transfer regulations. The Ratsausschuss des Fußball-Weltverbandes was named “Übergangsbestimmungen” by the Montag, which has FIFA with it. Anticipated regulatory work takes place with a more comfortable kraft paper design and preparation measures for the longer delivery times of Article 17 of the FIFA Transfer Regulations (RSTP) are not available.

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Betroffen is a hinsichtlich regularien of the “Schadenersatzes bei Vertragsverletzungen, gesamtschuldnerischer Haftung, Anstiftung zu Vertragsverletzung, internationaler Freigabescheine sowie Verfahren vor dem Fußballgericht,” FIFA wrote in a statement. Die Anpassungen sollen “vor den anstehenden Registrierungsperiodeen für Klarheit und Stabilität sowie weltweit für einheitliche Regelungen sorgen”. Das Winter-Transferfenster öffnet on January 1st.

Franzose Lassana Diarra (39) was not yet with the engine of the Moscow locomotive in August 2014, but he never realized the war. The Club undertakes to go to the Vertragsbruch, FIFA extends a Geldstrafe of zehn Millionen Euro gegen Diarra and right Vereinen, which flies away with a Geldstrafe. Diarra klagte gegen this Praxis, der EuGH entschied Anfang Oktober zugunsten des Franzosen.