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Das lief 2010 in Switzerland

Das lief 2010 in Switzerland

Verschneite Weihnachtsdekoration in Manno TI, photo taken on Monday, December 6, 2010. (KEYSTONE/Karl Mathis)

Verschneite Weihnachtsdekoration in Manno, Ticino, December 2010.Image: KEYSTONE

2010 will be sent to the Schweiz zuletzt verbreitet and weisse Weihnachten in den tieferen Lagen. Wie weit die zurückliegt, verdeutlichen diese Ereignisse.

Chantal Stäubli
Chantal Stäubli

Verbot Rauch

You want to make this today, and has the restaurant asked you to use an aschenbecher? Das änderte sich 2010 mit dem schweizweiten Rauchverbot in Restaurants and Bars.

A cigarette arrived on November 3, 2005 in a restaurant in Zurich in a restaurant, where a young woman came to Essen. Das Rauchen in Restaurants obligt der ...

2010 Rauchen war in Geschichte restaurants.Image: KEYSTONE

Must and Unwort des Jahres

The debate takes place around the state corporation and its society – the war of 2010 is not the same as that of the beginning of the “ausschaffung” in the ausschaffungs pour le mot initiative of years past. The Swiss national agent says: “The SVP does not deal with political issues, it deals with our discourse.”

Plakate zur Ausschaffungsinitiative took place on Friday, November 12, 2010, in one day in Davos-Laret. (KEYSTONE/Arno Balzarini)

Das Schäfchenplakat stiess auf international Kritik.Image: KEYSTONE

Zum Unwort des Jahres wurde der Begriff “FIFA-Ethikkommission”, of FIFA a own commission in free time, a corruption vorzugehen.

Berüchtigte WM-Vergabe

For further information on the experience in January 2010, the Vergabe der Fussballweltmeisterschaften in Russia (2018) and Katar (2022) by FIFA.

FILE - FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter announces that Qatar will host the 2022 FIFA World Cup on Thursday, December 2, 2010, during the bid announcement for the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cups in Zurich, S...

This image by Sepp Blatter was published on Documentation Square, where the controversies on the topics of Fussball-Weltmeisterschaften in Russia and Katar are, December 2010.Image: keystone

Wiedereinführung der Todesstrafe

In the whole of Switzerland 2010, a group from central Switzerland is committed to providing technical assistance to the Todesstrafe. The Initiators and the Initiators forge the Todesstrafe für Personen, the sexualen Missbrauch in Verbindung mit Mord begehen. Now you can press the button on the Komitee die Initiative zurück.

Swiss hit parade

“Waka Waka (This time for Africa)” – the WM song
by Shakira and the South African group Freshlyground dominate the Swiss charts.

The allgegenwärtig pop war: “Love The Way You Lie” by Eminem and Rihanna and “Alejandro” by Lady Gaga placed once and twice in the charts.

WM in South Africa

Shakira did not participate in the 2010 Swiss edition in Feierlaune, but she also came to the Swiss Nation, in the first group of the Spanish world master with a 1:0 match. Gelson Fernandes stocherte den Ball nach un wilden Durcheinander im Strafraum über die Linie.

FILE - This is Wednesday June 16, 2010. File photo of Switzerland's Gelson Fernandes, right, as he celebrates after scoring during the World Cup Group H soccer match between the Spain and Switzerland...

Carles Puyol, Gerard Piqué, Sergio Ramos and Torhüter Iker Casillas met with the Treffer nicht verhindern, June 2010.Image: AP

Olympiagold at the Winterspielen in Vancouver

At the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, Simon Ammann won gold in both the normal events and the big race. With Dario Cologna, Didier Défago, Carlo Janka (who participated in the Gesamtweltcup-Sieger in the start war of the ski season) and Mike Schmid won new Swiss Olympiagold athletes.


Simon Ammann, gold medal winner, February 2010.Image: KEYSTONE

Steve Lee was seen

Steve Lee, the frontman of the Swiss rock band Gotthard, was released on October 5, 2010 on January 47 during a sunset in the United States.

More than a hundred people come to Gotthard Hospital for a trip to Gotthard Saenger, Steve Lee, Sunday, October 17, 2010. (KEYSTONE/Sigi Tisc...

Hundreds of other people made a pilgrimage to the Gotthard Hospital as part of the on-call service for Steve Lee, October 2010.Image: KEYSTONE

Todesfall by Swatch-Erfinder Nicolas Hayek

Die Schweiz verlor 2010 a weitere Persönlichkeit: Nicolas G. Hayek. The Gründer der Swatch Group was born in the 82-year-old workshop of the Schreibtisch seines Unternehmens company in Biel.

Advisors and advisors of the Swatch-Group and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the SMH Nicolas G. Hayek participated in the press conference on June 14, 1988 on the new "T-Watch City Paper",...


New Bundesräte

Im Jahr 2010 kündigte Bundesrat Moritz Leuenberger nach 15 Jahren seinen Rücktritt an. Le Parliament wählte Simonetta Sommaruga zu seiner Nachfolgerin. Johann Schneider-Ammann became the deputy of Hans-Rudolf Merz in the Bundesrat gewählt.

The new Bundesrat with Didier Burkhalter, Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, Johann Schneider-Ammann, Federal President Doris Leuthard, Micheline Calmy-Rey, Simonetta Sommaruga, Ueli Maurer and the Bundeskanzlerin...

Der Bundesrat 2010: Von links nach rechts: Didier Burkhalter, Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, Johann Schneider-Ammann, Bundespräsidentin Doris Leuthard, Micheline Calmy-Rey, Simonetta Sommaruga, Ueli Maurer.Image: KEYSTONE

Libyan affair

Aargau Max Göldi arrived in Libya, at an ABB-Geschäftsstelle factory, which was created in the hands of the Gaddafi regime, for the Gaddafi-Sohnes Hannibal party in Geneva. Deux ans lang wurde Göldi als Druckmittel gegen die Schweiz festgehalten. Half a year is sass in the Gefängnissen, the Rest of the Zeit verbrachte is auf de la Botschaft Suisse in Tripolis. 2010 is a long diplomatic journey between Hickhack and the angel of the world, in the Begleitung von Micheline Calmy-Rey zurück in Switzerland.

Max Goeldi, lawyer, posted his letter to the Flughafen Zuerich Kloten with Bundesraetin Micheline Calmy-Rey, June 14, 2010. Max Goeldi's Libyan Odyssey is at the end: Goeld...

The Odyssey of Max Göldi in The Libyan War 2010 in Ende.Image: KEYSTONE

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