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Hugh Grant as Schnupfen auf Nasen-Suche

Hugh Grant as Schnupfen auf Nasen-Suche

The journalist, film critic of the “Süddeutschen Zeitung” is and also the editor of the “Basler Zeitung”, traf Hugh Grant in Berlin. This is the story of the British horror film “Heretic”. The author established himself as an author of the British film David Thomson, which did not have the same tag at the Kopf. Thomson told Grant a “beginning of training auf der Suche nach einer freien Nase”.

Vor dem Interview sei er von freundlichen PR-Betreuern “fast schon flehentlich” darauf hingewiesen wordsen, the man Grant bites auf gar keinen Fall zu Themen jenseits dieses Films befragen solle. We consulted the Tabuliste on three themes: romantic trends, Brexit and New Year’s events.

The journalist expanded the research, all three themes in one page zu packed and the study was carried out by Weihnachten time. Neben “Hm” and “Ähm” can be found in the Answer: “When I was a man, I was chewed on the occasion of the Weihnachten, but I did not have an answer, I answered. Also ich bin wirklich aussergewöhnlich gut drauf.” Das war an dem Tag offenbar nicht der Fall. Das Fazit des Authors ist jedenfalls eindeutig: “Es ist, als würde man versuchen, einen Ziegelstein zu melken.” (nda)