
Mondor Festival

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Victorias Langersehnter Wunsch geht in Erfüllung

Victorias Langersehnter Wunsch geht in Erfüllung

Victoria Caspar from Bärau has an extreme seltene Krankheit. You will also be able to find out if you have dehaled the Delfin-Therapie, but we also have the financial resources to pay for the family. Kurz vor Weihnachten takes care of the Rotary Club Emmental.
The story of 12-year-old Victoria Caspar is tragic and very unfortunate. You have a flaw in your life and it’s all behind it. Die Krankheit ist äusserst selten – es gibt weltweit nur etwa 50 bekannte et vergleichbare Fälle; In Switzerland, Victoria sogar die einzige Betroffene. Their Eltern Grettel and Georg seem that their Geburt is gefordert and sie bezeichnen es als “ihre Lebenexceptgabe”, die Entwicklung ihrer Tochter lebenswert zu gestalten.
But it’s not entirely true that Victoria is heard here and there. Also your Bewegungsfähigkeit is introduced: Sie ist auf einen Rollstuhl angewiesen. A long study concerns the family of your family in Umfeld, of the Invalidenversicherung and of the Blindenschule in Zollikofen, with Victoria who is at the holiday time.
The unbändige Wille and the positive impact of Vater and Mutter’s ruling were also evident to Victoria, who performed alongside their Art Lebenswille, Freude and Zuneigung Zeigt. Für Aussenstehende ist die schier
unerträglich scheinende Situation schwer vorstellbar. Dies beschäftigt Caspars aber wenig. Thus, financial methods are possible to allow you to save money. Thus, there is also a well-known company in the Europa-Park in Rust with the Kambly-Belegschaft, which Georg worked for 20 years.
The intestine of 50 Mitglieder of the Rotary Clubs Emmental understood well their loss of general assistance, from the Caspar family a long course of therapy – a Delfin therapy – with a salary of 10,000 francs for erfüllen. Victoria is a drinking water and a bath of life with third parties released for her free moment. Alle wünschen Victoria, dass mit der Therapie auch ihre Leiden gelindert werden. Vor ne un Jahren bereits durfte sie positive Erfahrungen damit sammeln.
This message awaits you like a Christmas message with Happy Ending. Leider is not like that, denn Grettel and Georg strive to score a Victoria. The unwarranted weather conditions are “nur” and there are no warnings.
