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Sponsored content: Mit Just Eat and blue Sport mitten drin in the Champions League

Sponsored content: Mit Just Eat and blue Sport mitten drin in the Champions League

Just Eat and blue Sport bring UEFA wet services straight to your home. These are the Champions League, the Europa League and the Conference League as well as Fan and Feinschmecker. With exclusive 50% offers on Happy Buns, Pizza Junge, Just Smashed and KFC, you have double Grund zum Jubeln.

The Champions League is over – and it lasts like this. With a brand new format and very attractive teams, it is the UEFA Champions League that has started in the 2024/25 season. The general group stage gives a Liga with 36 teams, in the Mannschaft which plays against absolute Gegner. Top clubs like Liverpool and Barcelona have austere pitches. Doch the Beste? With Just Eat and Blue Sport holst du dir die volle Ladung Fussball und Genuss nach Hause – et das zu unschlagbaren Konditionen.

Gender without compromise

We are playing football on TV with high ratings in Essen and don’t see anything, it’s just a little bit rich in Just Eat. The group stage offers a 50% discount on one of the most popular restaurants:

  • Happy buns: Truly complete burger creations for everyone, which allow games to go unseen – safe, fresh and perfect for the ball game.
  • Young Pizza: After a large Auswahl an Pizzen, die deine Fussballnächte noch unvergesslicher machen. Classics like Margherita or ausgefallenere creations – here trifft jeder Geschmack in Schwarze.
  • Just crushed: Hat for Burger-Liebhaber einiges im Angebot: mit extra frisch gepressten Patties, die den Begriff “Burger” neu definieren.
  • KFC: Sorgt mit seinem berühmten Fried Chicken for the richtige Fingerfood-Erlebnis – ideal for a meal with friends or for a zwischendurch snack.

This is how the next UEFA match will play out until the climax of the season – without life aufwand and inside your Geschmack.

Blue Sport – exclusive partner of UEFA highlights

Doch were you gutes Essen ohne das passende Fussballprogramm? Blue Sport is Switzerland’s only organizer of all UEFA wet associations – Champions League, Europa League and Conference League – live. So it’s a simple Traumtor, an elven drama and a last minute drama. Ganz gleich, ob du Fan der Königsklasse bist or the internationalen Newcomer verfolgst: Mit blue Sport bleibst du immer am Ball.

Best and geniuses

Wusstest du, the Just Eat in allen trois UEFA-Wettbewerben als official Partner aktiv ist? The security service is the first service for all football fans, the genre and championships of the Champions League and other European tournaments by combining several combinations. The duration of the Champions League is the same as the duration of the Europa League and Conference League games – with Just Eat is the perfect food in just one click.

Mit Just Eat will be your Fussballabend zum Rundum-Erlebnis. Einfach App öffnen, Lieblingsgericht aussuchen, bestellen – et los geht’s. Geniesse das Spiel, während das Essen auf dem Weg zu dir ist. Die Kombination aus blue Sport et Just Eat sorgt dafür, du Lewandowski, Haaland, Kane und Co. in voller Action geniessen kannst – et gleichzeitig kulinarisch voll versorgt bist.

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