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In shape and well suited to winter: the best tips, tips for using them

In shape and well suited to winter: the best tips, tips for using them

5. Richtige Clothing

Frieren allein macht zwar nicht krank, aber Kälte cann das Risiko für Infektionen erhöhen. Schützen Sie sich deshalb mit der passenden Kleidung. Here you will find the best strategy: more security to help you maintain the optimal temperature optimally. So let it go to room temperature every time and inside the water.

6. Hygiene is not respected

The AHA (Abstand, Hygiene, Alltagsmaske) regulation is not up to the pandemic. These masses also disperse in the efficient work season for long-term Krankheitserregern. The most common rules and hand washes are found in one of the most widespread methods, in the way foods and baked goods are used. If you are in contact, you can create a manual infection center that guarantees safety.

7. Gut schlafen

Ausreichend Schlaf is essential for an effective immune system. The body regenerates itself so that the night and the immune system function during high tours. If you are looking for an effective way, run the business and if you are responsible for infections. Make sure you have good hygiene: stop adjusting the cleaning time, change the cleaning time and change the cleaning times or electronic devices to the cleaners.

8. Rechtzeitig impfen

Im Herbst is also the rich point of time, an über Impfungen nachzudenken. If this is not the case, you will be able to use the Impfungen für Sie empfehlenswert sind. Neben der Grippeimpfung (Influenza) können auch Impfungen gegen Pneumokokken (Lungenentzündung) et le RSV-Virus (Respiratorisches Synzytial-Virus) sinnvoll sein. Un actueller Impfschutz stärkt Ihre Abwehr et hilft, schwere Krankheitsverläufe zu vermeiden.

9. Den Herbst-Blues vertreiben

When the day goes by and the son is gone, you can do it again. When the Herbstmüdigkeit entgegenzuwirken, hilft Bewegung an der frischen Luft – am besten in der Natur. Other social contacts can be contacted, the Stimmung zu heben. Dr. Jürgen de Laporte, Facharzt für Innere Medizin, declared: “Schon ein kleiner Spaziergang oder ein freundliches Gespräch mit anderen kann Wunder wirken.” We are sure that we do not have to worry about the emotions that we have in the past, but we can take advantage of the Emotions in the book: You can see what you are doing, if you see what you are doing – the light and sound, which is what you are going to do.