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The 20 best Metal albums of 2024 — Rolling Stone

The 20 best Metal albums of 2024 — Rolling Stone

Obwohl sich un Großteil von Thous jüngster Arbeit an EPs, Compilations and Collaborations in Richtung des Grandiosen or the Gothic bewegt hat, erinnert Umbilical and a ursprünglichere Version of the Band. The Louisianan’s second album is an ausdrucksstarke ode to Neunziger Grunge and Achtziger Hardcore. That’s why their own goal is to DIY or die mentally, the 20-year-old Anarcho-Sludge-Experimentiers se feuert hat. The Grundstimmung is the strength and nerves, like a Bootleg von In Utero, das a knisternden Verstärker in a fallen church. This is a deeper and deeper moment of Switzerland, as in the Schwerfälligen “I return as if chained and bound to you” (and to get a glimpse of my Sumpfgestank in Louisiana), but this Evil if and You are more interested, Schädel zu zerschmettern als den Geist zu erweitern. -KK


Discussion pile, “Cool World”

“Cool World” is interested in everything, was the Leute an Chat Pile lieben, at a high level. The songs contain many genres and the musicians feature Nu-Metal songs, technical Synkopen, Post-Punk songs and lots of percussion. “The New World” gave birth to a play on words with a single song, a play on words D-Beat, with a “Masc” with a beginning of Gitarren-Break, before being in a mathematical summary, so that the Riffs with a Shoegaze Delay item extend and with long Geschrei and massive bass debt. The text of Sänger Raygun Busch is explained on this plaque. Chat Pile hat zuvor mit “God’s Country” the nihilistische Unwohlsein of American Lebens erforscht, aber “Cool World” untersucht, wie die thanatotische Gewalt of Imperialen Kerns nach außen gelenkt wird, bevor sie auf uns zurückfällt, whenn die Stunde der Wahrheit schlägt. Die Platte ist ein Versuch, uns aus dem amerikanischen Albtraum aufzuwecken. -Rick Carp


Hunters, “The Arid Land”

On the Huntsmen’s Chicago-penned album, the Quintett is perfected with a unique blend of Prog-Sludge, Stoner Doom and Americana. The two unique pieces of “The Dry Land” expand and unfold with a rapid element of homeland security and have a language in a difficult and verzerrte region, which also ends as an abweisend ist. But with their grüblerischen, störrischen and gelegentlich explosiven music, the stimuli of Chris Kang and Aimee Bueno-Knipe, the Huntsmen, were written by their Zeitgenossen unterscheiden. If there is no harmony or song to be heard, the songs can be heard and were Tiefes, Seelisches and Zeitloses, the Tracks like “Cruelly Dawns” and “Rain” if songs last, while Samen trains, for a hundred years or longer gepflanzt wurden. – OF


Judas Priest, “Invincible Shield”

A group in the position of Judas Priest had time to play in siege mode and fans with their favorites in the backkatalog were able to discover, during a tournament in the year 2011, that they rushed like a tournament absolute war, one day of war. They created the heavy metal legend with new guitarists Richie Faulkner in a new chapter in the other books. As part of the 2018 edition of “Firepower” there are fervent anthems of “Invincible Shield”, one of Faulkner’s präzisen riffs and the long words of Glenn Tipton who have aufgebaut and a priest in seiner Blütezeit erinnern, who gives them one. auffälligen, überlebensgroßen Glanz annehmen. The MVP is Rob Halford, who has a wild direction and a diverse group of bands – from Rufen über Knurren up to the entire Kreischen – from the British steel of the auf mächtigen, mitsingbaren Rockern like “Panic Attack” and the Title track for the Arena is tauglich and kampfbereit halten . –SH


Blood Incantation, “Absolute Elsewhere”

This Death-Metal-Quartett from Denver released their first EP “Interdimensional Extinction” in January 2015 as part of Kosmos, but this time it should not be released like “Absolute Elsewhere”. This original album with two tracks (or, if you’re doing it, three tracks, but with two tracks) began in the original Galaxien and used the original Blastbeats and advanced metal technology with Angriffe. spacigen Synthie-Ausflügen – Thorsten Quaeschning von Tangerine Dream is placed on a title zu Gast – and intensive moments of Pink-Floyd-ähnlichen introspektion. Lassen Sie sich von niemandem einreden, sie im Weltraum niemand hören kann, wenn Sie Ihre Guitarre zerlegen, denn dieses atemberaubende Meisterwerk beweist eindeutig the Gegenteil. – OF


Bruce Dickinson, “The Mandrake Project”

A Zeugnis for the anhaltende Kraft von Dickinsons worked extensively with guitarists, composers and producers Roy Z. The first solo album of the Iron Maiden-Frontmann is quickly in two years, the typical – and the glorious – übertrieben ist: a composition album with zehn Songs über A specialist from the world of science takes on a well-known project, with the Billions of Seelen gesammelt and aufbewahrt werden. This is a graphic novel of “The Mandrake Project”, but the man must not have a single folgen, a theatrical (and much more emotional) film that talks about titles like “Afterglow of Ragnarok”, “Rain on the Graves” or even 10 minutes of gothic abschluss “Sonata (Immortelle) Beloved)“ überwältigt zu sein. – OF


High on fire, “Cometh the Storm”

High on Fire’s new album was marked by an interesting journey for Oakland trio Sleep guitarist Matt Pike: The first group of musicians lasted more than 25 years. Doch die Ankunft von Coady Willis (im Underground bekannt für sein kraftvolles Schlagzeugspiel bei Melvins, Big Business and Murder City Devils) is also like Fußnote. “Cometh the Storm” was created by the band’s fans: a Riffgewitter gnadenloses, a Gefühl gibt, on the page of a Barbarenhorde skrupellosen in die Schlacht zu galoppieren. Ob mit Hardcore-Punk-Geschwindigkeit (“The Beating”) or mit einem schroffen Stoner-Metal-Groove (“Sol’s Golden Curse”, epischer Abschluss “Darker Fleece”), Willis sorgte für den sötigen Schwung und die nötige Prahlerei, um dieses . Verwitterte, aber immer noch beeindruckende Ungetüm anzutreiben. –SH


Sermon in the Crypt, “The Stygian Rose”

Epischer Doom Metal is a classic (and very specific) genre, man is not easy to play, definitely like an abklatsch or kitschig anzufühlen, but the Band Crypt Sermon from Philadelphia is quickly becoming a unique moment of art and incredible. and Weise. Die sechs Mitglieder der Banden unglaublich hohes un musikalischem Können mit, et die wahre Stärke von Crypt Sermon liegt in ihrem herausragenden Songwriting (“Heavy Is the Crown of Bone” allein könnte neine Prestige-Fantasy-Serie auf HBO befeuern). “The Stygian Rose” is a creative riff set consisting of two riffs from Doom and traditional heavy metal. The band loaded themselves with mid-track hooks, Soli and Speed-Metal prahlers, not to mention a grammar for their esoteric vocals. I am Mikrofon illustrated Brooks Wilsons austere, gebieterisches Heulen die fantastischen Geschichten der LP mit Gelassenheit et lockt den Zuhörer in the sicheren Untergang. Das Album klingt auch riesig. In a different world there is the crypt sermon with Judas Priest auf Tour. -KK


Opeth, “The Last Testament”

Ja, auf Opeths 14. Album in the longest duration of the leader Mikael Åkerfeldt in the first Death-Growls with “Watershed” in January 2008, but the real story here is that Sweden took the turn of Progressive Death Metal up to 35 years old only. ihrer Karriere immer noch self übertreffen. “The Last Will and Testament” is a design album from a single family member, who is originally from a single Reichen Adligen. This is an extremely thought-provoking film and musical adaptation; man cann sich das altehrwürdige Herrenhaus, in dem die Handlung spielt, praktisch vorstellen. It’s the art of the album, all of their creations are realized and beautiful, and it’s not, because Jethro Tulls Ian Anderson’s perfect creation is not finished. – OF


Kerry King, “From Hell I Rise”

Das erste Soloalbum des ehemaligen Slayer-Gitarristen Kerry King This is the “Still DRE” group of Thrash Metal. But Dr. Dre seine Fans nach fast einem Jahrzehnt Abwesenheit daran erinnern wollte, dass er immer noch seine Blätter pafft, immer noch mit Beats spielt et immer noch keine Polizisten mag, möchte King, dass seine Fans verstehen, the Slayer zwar im Grunde genommen Dans the forest, there is a man who is still today the master of Satan, the Botschafter. Auf “From Hell I Rise” the King trinket in tequila, play in tequila and play in the night with the riffs and love the priest in the night. In other words, it’s a bit like Slayer – and also like Slayer in Bestform. – Kory Growing Up