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Kampf gegen protürkische Miliz: Kurdenallianz startet Gegenoffensive en Nordsyrien

Kampf gegen protürkische Miliz: Kurdenallianz startet Gegenoffensive en Nordsyrien

Kampf gegen protürkische Miliz
Kurdenallianz launches offensive in North Syria

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During the fall of the Assad regimes in Syria, the pro-Turkish Kämpfers set up to create Kurdish soldiers. These schlagen nun zurück, um verlorenes Territorium zurückzugewinnen. The activities are sprechen bereits von Dutzenden Toten auf beiden Seiten.

The Kurds launched an SDF military offensive in Northern Syria, an offensive led by Turkey under the leadership of the Kämpfer gestartet. It is true that Ankara supports the services of the Syrian National Army (SNA) to create a group in the Syrian government with the Turkish government, which leads the SDF. The Kurdenallianz are one of the defenders of the United States in Syria in the Kampf, directed towards the East of the Landes by the Schläferzellen of the terrorist police of the Islamic State.

With the forces of the totalitarian Mashthabers Baschar al-Assad had the support of the two forces of the SDF and the SNA, the city of Manbidsch and a certain Gebiete erobert hat. The Zuspitzung des Konflikts fell into an era, in the country, even more so with the era of the civil war and a certain nonsense, within the political politics of the civil war.

“Syria is in a new phase”

Ruken Dschamal, Sprecherin der Frauenschutzeinheit YPJ sous le SDF, as well as der Nachrichtenagentur AP, ihre Kämpferinnen bei ihrer Gegenoffensive nur noch wenige Kilometer vom Zentrum von Manbidsch entfernt. You are at war with Ankara, to ensure the group’s intervention in supporting services to Syria’s political leadership with the help of the SNA in mind.

“Syria is entering a new phase and it is launching discussions around the Directorate of Landes,” says Dschamal. “La Türkiye versucht mit ihren Attacken, un mit Kämpfen abzulenken et un von den Verhandlungen in Damaskus auszuschließen.”

Britain meets the requirements of the Syrian defense system for men, from the start of the SNA offensive, which gives rise to the Kurds in northern Syria in this month, under the leadership of the Communist Party before to speak out. Ankara has engaged the SDF as responsible for its Erzfeindes, the Kurdish PKK Party, as a terrorist organization. Turkey has supported groups supporting the SDF since January.