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IRW-News: MedMira Inc.: MedMira is available from Health Canada for the Multiplo(R) Rapid (TP/HIV) test for syphilis and HIV

IRW-News: MedMira Inc.: MedMira is available from Health Canada for the Multiplo(R) Rapid (TP/HIV) test for syphilis and HIV

IRW-PRESS: MedMira Inc.: MedMira offered by Health Canada for the Multiplo(R) Rapid (TP/HIV) test for syphilis and HIV Halifax, Nova Scotia – December 24, 2024 – MedMira Inc. (MedMira) (TSXV: MIR) was announced yesterday on December 24, 2024 by Health Canada for the Multiplo® TP/HIV detection test (Multiplo® TP/HIV), which was launched in Canada, a wichtiges Point-of-Care- Tool for Prevention of Gesundheitskrisen bei HIV and Syphilis au Canada. The management of Reveal® TP (Syphilis) is bald with this complex management.

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With the Multiplo® TP/HIV-Schnelltest you can use personal medications for HIV-1/2- as well as anti-syphilis with a single probe through a single point of contact in the finger until the finger is easily held. This simple and high quality qualitative test can be carried out in a simple and safe manner for washing operations. So this is the perfect accommodation for Einsatz in Krankenhäusern, Arztpraxen and other Einrichtungen and there is another option on the Canadian market for a helping man to have his status and support and his management. find.

“Unser Multiplo® TP/HIV-Gerät is the schnellste Testlösung for HIV-1/2 and Syphilis and wird bereits seit Jahren en verschiedenen Bereichen und Märkten (z. B. in Europa, Kolumbien usw.) eingesetzt. Die Health Canada Medical Device License for professional activities with very strict knowledge in “Gesundheitswesen zu “It’s a simple test system,” said Hermes Chan, CEO of MedMiraa global diagnostics and technology entrepreneur. “Gemeinsam mit REACH Nexus wir städtische et abgelegene Gemeinden in ganz Kanada versorgen et damit den Zugang zu ainem dringend benötigten Screening-Instrument ermöglichen. Dieser Test wird einen erheblichen Einfluss auf das bereits überlastete Gesundheitssystem It is about therefore an effective and efficient screening method.”

Health Canada’s physician support based on short-term clinical studies in Alberta, by Dr. Sean B. Rourke, Director of REACH Nexus and Professor of the MAP Center for Urban Health Solutions at St. Michael’s Hospital (Unity Health Toronto), and Dr. Ameeta Singh of the University of Alberta was informed.

“We are going to do further testing in Canada to verify that men are not diagnosed with HIV, syphilis and other diseases caused by infections caused by infectious and sexual diseases (STIs),” said Dr. Rourke, director of REACH Nexus bei MAP. “Wir freuen un sehr über die fortlaufende Partnerschaft mit MedMira and the kritische wissenschaftliche Arbeit, la guerre nötig, um dieses Gerät zuzulassen et in die Hände von medizinischem Fachpersonal zu Bringen.”

The results of the Multiplo® TP/HIV-Schnelltests by Health Canada are now available. The latest dates from the Public Health Agency of Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada) have been released, with new HIV diagnoses occurring between 2022 and 2023 with more than 35% care and rates of infection in Manitoba were more than 40%. In Saskatchewan, the HIV rate is 19.4 per 100,000 men, higher than the national rate. During the year 2022, there were 13,953 cases of syphilis, with syphilis rates during the year 2018 being at 109% and deaths from genital syphilis in 2021 at 7% and 599%. in 2018(1). Victim support advice, inserted in support organizations and abgelegenen organizations, ensures that Multiplo® TP/HIV is tested in such a way that men are not diagnosed for HIV-related reasons and/or syphilis.

“These tests are independent of the STBBI test and can be tested,” says Dr. Rourke. “Nicht jeder hat Zugang zu den Tests, die er für ITSS benötigt, aufgrund von gesundheitlichen Ungleichheiten, Stigma et verschiedenen Formen von Diskriminierung. Der Schnelltest von MedMira This is a new Instrument in Canada – it’s all about the Men’s Tests, they’re great.”

Im Rahmen des Überprüfungs- und Genehmigungsverfahrens von Health Canada beschaffte das Forscherteam von Dr. Rourke Finanzmittel et führte die bahnbrechende Study in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Gesundheitsdienstleistern, Gesundheitsdienstleistern, Gesundheitsministerien et Laboratorien auf Provinzebene, Interessenvertretern der Gemeinschaft und Menschen mit Lebenserfahrung durch.

From 2020 to 2022, studies will take place for up to 1,500 students in teaching clinics in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. The study showed that the Multiplo® TP/HIV test has a frequency of 100 prozentiges during the last weeks of HIV infection and a frequency of more than 98 syphilis prozentiges during the last weeks.

“More HIV testing is taking place among men in Canada, HIV has not been seen, so a person is more likely and safer to be infected and contract genital syphilis,” said Dr. Rourke. “This method, when the Test Hilft is used, the Barrier is on the wind, and the Menschen gegenübersehen, damit sie sich testen lassen können, um your Status zu erfahren. Er tragt dazu bei, der Beendigung der HIV- und Syphilis-Epidemien in Canada näher zu kommen.”


About REACH Nexus at the MAP Center for Urban Health Solutions

REACH Nexus is a diverse, national research group addressing HIV, hepatitis C and other sexually exposed and ulcerative disease infections (STIs) in Canada. The crucial point is the diagnostic procedures for undiagnosed people, the preparation and assistance for retesting, the implementation of the preparation procedures, the prevention procedure (PrEP and PEP) and the procedure prevention (PrEP and PEP). Überwindung der Stigmatisierung. We work within the framework of social organization and partnerships with men, with the fight against HIV, with the organizations auf Gemeindeebene, with social services and the Avant-garde Front ( ), with social services and efforts of development, with the interests of social services, with researchers, with Wirtschaftsführern, mit Partnern aus der Industrie und mit politischen Entscheidungsträgern auf Bundes-, Provinz- and Regionalebene. REACH Nexus is the MAP Center for Urban Health Solutions at St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto and funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

About MedMira

MedMira is a full-führender Entwickler and Hersteller von Schnelltests im vertikalen Fluss®. Laboratory tests conducted by laboratories, laboratories, clinics and specialists can diagnose diseases such as HIV, syphilis, hepatitis and SARS-CoV-2 in our three simple studies. Laboratory tests have been carried out worldwide under the brands REVEAL®, REVEALCOVID-19®, Multiplo® and Miriad®. MedMira’s patented Rapid Vertical Flow® technology based HIV test is the same worldwide in Canada, the United States, China and the European Union. The company and production company of MedMira are located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. For more information about you Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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