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National Researchers Examine Effects of Marijuana Use in Pregnant Women

National Researchers Examine Effects of Marijuana Use in Pregnant Women

COLUMBUS, OhioWCMH) — With marijuana becoming more and more accessible across the country, researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital wanted to know how its use by pregnant women could affect children’s development.

Sarah Keim, a senior researcher at the Abigail Wexner Research Institute, said the study included about 250 pregnant women. Each woman shared information with the researchers, including details about her lifestyle and behavior.

The study focused on the children of these same pregnant women after giving birth. When each participant’s child reached the age of five, he or she was assessed.

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The researchers who conducted the study found that children exposed to marijuana before birth had more difficulty paying attention, planning, and controlling their impulses, and they exhibited more aggressive behavior.

Keim said research like this is critical in the changing landscape of marijuana use and availability.

“The evidence based on potential risks to children was actually quite old – some of these studies were from the 70s and 80s,” Keim said. “Marijuana today is much more potent than it was then, and our population is much more diverse than it was. »

Keim said researchers will continue the study and contact these same families when their children turn seven to see how they are progressing. She said the team also plans to conduct interviews with the students’ teachers to gain insight into their development in the classroom, both socially and academically.

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