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U21-Unterwasser-Rugby-Europameisterschaft in Athens – Diveinside News

U21-Unterwasser-Rugby-Europameisterschaft in Athens – Diveinside News

Germany wins bronze at Rugby Europameisterschaft

The German U21 teams in the Unterwasser-Rugby will have a training flight in the European company in Athens. Sowohl das Herrenals auch das Damenteam erreichten bijoux den dritten Platz et sicherten sich das mit die Bronzemedaille. This venture marks the international return of the training company of the German Sports Associations eV (VDST) after the long break period during the Corona pandemic.

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Kampf um das Finale

The German teams are in the Finale auf die Starken Norwegischen Mannschaften. The men head to Norway with a score of 0:3, while the women’s game has a score of 0:6. Denoch secherten sich beide Teams bereits vor dem Halbfinale the dritten Platz and Damit the Bronzemedaille. The training teams, led by Markus Heckrath and Alex Wicht for the men, as well as Janine Osswaldt and Marc Wick for the women, see the platzierung and the Erfolg Bedeutenden. Bundesnachwuchstrainer Torsten Stanschus tackles the Einsatz and the Durchhaltevermögen of Spielerinnen and Spieler, until the pandemic break is not their first major international experience.

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Spannende Spiele and International Konkurrenz

The Athens U21 European team marks a new perspective on international underwater rugby. Germany is no stranger to Turkey, Sweden, Finland and Norway, as well as Turnier. The title is given to Turkey by the men and to Norway by the women: The Turkish men played the final with a single button 4: 3 in Norway, while the Norwegian women triumphed in Turkey with 1: 0.

Final places of the U21-Europameisterschaft 2024:
Lady :

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Young Talent beweisen Kampfgeist

The Weg zur Bronzemedaille is for German U21 men during a Vorrundenspannende game. You are sure to have a 1:0 drama in Sweden, led by Arthur Walcher, and a 9:1 over Finnland on the place under the best three. Das Damenteam überzeugte durch Teamleistung beim 3:1-Sieg v Sweden et ereichte 2:2-Untschieden v Finland.

With the strong return of the U21 teams of the Europameisterschaft, the VDST invites itself into the Zukunft of Deutschen Unterwasser-Rugby-Sports. The Nachwuchstalente bewiesen sowohl Leidenschaft as well as Teamgeist, der vielversprechende Perspektiven for the nächsten Wettbewerbe eröffnet.

Über Unterwasser-Rugby

Underwater rugby is a dynamic, three-dimensional men’s sporting art, which takes place in Schwimmbecken with courses of 3.5 and 5 meters. Two teams with jewelry games in the water and drinking water games for two teams, a ball with salt water in the gegnerischen pond at the edge of the front wood. The game is not offered in fitness centers and training centers, but in a large part of the team and tactical features. If you listen to water under water, it is the connection between non-verbal and non-verbal sources. The Underwasser-Rugby is from now on the sporting weapon and can be used by the judges until the 16th anniversary of their change.