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Geschenke für Weihnachten: Koya XO 10 Years – Gourmetwelten

Geschenke für Weihnachten: Koya XO 10 Years – Gourmetwelten

16. November 2024

TASTE Feel Enjoy: When the party room festlich geschmückte zum gemütlichen Beisammensein lädt, der Duft von Braten und Weihnachtsgebäck die Luft erfüllt et das Kaminfeuer im Hintergrund knistert, gibt es nichts Passenderes als einen exquisiten Brandy. The “Koya XO 10 Years” is the ideal gift, a moment that goes through the crown holiday celebration.

In the idyllic Yantai region, for its mild climate and the hervorragenden Ugni Blanc-Trauben, Château KOYA has become a Brandy Kreiert, the best choice. The “Koya XO 10 years” is the product of this tradition.

In the traditional “Charentais” stills and in the Limousin stills, these drinks are served for a while with another XO brandy with a bouquet with the taste of ice cream, champagne, roses, karamellisierten Feigen and Dunkler Schokolade. Gewürze wie Zimt, Muskatnuss et Nelken runden den Geschmack ab et lassen einen Hauch von Weihnachtszauber durch jeden Schluck schimmern.

Koya XO 10 years

In Austria: Billa Corso am Hohen Markt, 70cl, approx. €149.–

In Germany:, 70cl, approx. €159.–

In Switzerland: Hofer Wine & Spirits, 70cl, approx. CHF 129.–

In Great Britain:, ca. £115.31

Über Château KOYA

Château KOYA, one of the leading owners of an exclusive brand, is located in 60 hectares of vineyards in Shandong Island, the art of brandy with strong technology and domestic production. The house represents a synthesis of cultural tradition and modern luxury – insane genre and perfect craftsmanship, a man who wants a man.