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Does the President of the Police have any prohibited areas in Berlin?

Does the President of the Police have any prohibited areas in Berlin?

Viele Berliner fühlen sich nicht plus sicher, meiden (vor allem nachts) bestimmte Orte. Polizeigewerkschafter Bodo Pfalzgraf sprach schon von Bereichen, wo der Rechtsstaat in Berlin Handlungsunfähig sei, zu denen soziale Brennpunkte in Wedding and Neukölln gehören würden. Im Deutschland vergleich verzeichnet das Bundesland Berlin die höchste Anzahl an Straftaten pro 100,000 Einwohner. 14,292 articles are in January 2023 – insgesamt erfasste die Berliner Polizei 536,697 Straftaten. He realized that Police President Barbara Slowik was in Berlin in a safe city.

“Berlin is as safe as other cities in Germany and other cities in Europe,” Slowik said in an interview with the Berliner Zeitung. Doch st eine Internet site wie führt inzwischen eine List mit den gefährlichsten Orten Berlins (von Alexanderplatz über Görlitzer Park and Wrangelkiez bis hin zum Kottbusser Tor), mit denen Interesten vor bestimmten Gegenden in der Hauptstadt gewarnt werden.

Gefährliche Bereiche für Juden, Schwule et Lesben

No-go zones in Berlin do not exist, according to Slowik. Um das gleich danach aber wieder zu relativieren: “Es gibt allerdings Bereiche – and so ehrlich müssen wir an ceser Stelle sein – da würde ich Menschen, die Kippa tragen oder offen schwul oder lesbians sind, raten, aufmerksamer zu sein.” that you are like that Different people. Leider gebe es aber bestimmte Quartiere, in denen mehrheitlich arabischstämmige Menschen wohnen, die aussi Sympathien for Terrorgruppen hegen. “Offene Judenfeindlichkeit artikuliert sich dort gegen Menschen jüdischer Glaubensrichtung und Herkunft. »

The police president sees other security problems in the central city. Berlin is in a townhouse, and the police have to split up. In the end, the coalition programs of the CDU and SPD are finalized (of KURIER berichtete). “The police will be able to surrender over the years during its management, because the middle of its activities is in the weeds and we will be by then for years to come and the rest ausfindig machen müssen, also a Kraftstoff zu finanzieren or a Unterstützungskräfte für Grosslagen. zu bezahlen,” says Slowik.

Example: The Landeskriminalamt earned 14 million euros during this month and received an investment of 14 million euros. Doch zur Verfügung gestellt wurden nur sechs Millionen. “And that means that the interior senator has all the services of your hotel in Kasse and that your police are there to help you,” said the police president.

Over the next few years, it turns out that it is still fatal: “2025 will happen to us again, but we will have already started doing it, and we will have another 100 million dollars. Denn Straftäter nutzen den Fortschritt der Technoln, während wir en Massendaten von mobilen Endgeräten ersticken.

Police President Barbara Slowik said: “So the criminals in the field are in a position to do this. »

Police President Barbara Slowik said: “So the criminals in the field are in a position to do this. »Markus Wächter

The General Directorate of Police has two sources of crime at its disposal – the reason why it does not have a modern technical agency. “So, überlassen wir den Kriminellen das Feld. This is serious and extremely frustrating for students and students,” said Barbara Slowik of the Berliner Zeitung. As you said, Berlin is interested in a video surveillance objective, for all robots, and under the direction of KI, they will do so.

Every day: 40 Prozent des Fuhrparks stehen in der Werkstatt

Schon seit Jahren en den Schlagzeilen: die marode Infrastruktur. The police president comes from Beamten, but offices and support services do not have to worry about renovating or renovating them. “The Sanierungsstau in Polizeiliegenschaften lags behind my Amtsübernahme bei 1.1 Billion Euro. This is a $2.2 billion jet. Das liegt also and questions the management of construction costs, but also the exponential fall of the bill. Until the 40th day of the police parks, they are in the factory – with measures at the level of public transport reactions.

The police chief has resolved the issue of plant management near parks in Görlitz. “Un gewisser Anteil von Straftaten nimmt dort nachts seinen Anfang: The illegal Drug Handel is already present, it is the Drug Bunker Angelegt. Alles are in Mitleidenschaft gezogen,” he said. Barbara Slowik in an interview with the Berliner Zeitung. Since not everyone has a closer feature, the park is not as attractive to criminals.

And with better monitoring of criminal crime in the Wrangelkiez, the police are taking care of it. “In Beleuchteten Street there is a risk of attack also in an underground park,” said the police president. “In the street, it’s old einfacher, polizeiliche Maßnahmen umzusetzen. » ■