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Ralf Schumacher: Vielsagende Worte über Hochzeit mit Étienne

Ralf Schumacher: Vielsagende Worte über Hochzeit mit Étienne

Ralf Schumacher
Lifetime Worte über mögliche Hochzeit mit Freund Étienne

Ralf Schumacher and Étienne Bousquet-Cassagne


Ralf Schumacher and Étienne Bousquet-Cassagne have decided to embark on their release in July 2024, and they should be very long. And as if that wasn’t the case with my friend: I’ll see that the next baby is bald before seeing his daughter…

While Ralf Schumacher, 49, Mitte Juli has been dying for years with his friend Étienne Bousquet-Cassagne, he began to chat, the great Mehrheit wohl überrascht. I am one of the Formel-1-Fahrers trainers who have men at the longest of men’s lives – as well as Carmen, 59 years old, and Robert Geiss, 60 years old. a private Podcastgespräch eingeladen.

Ralf Schumacher says on the second day: “In those days Fall is gone”

In the current podcasts of “Die Geissens” you have a whole love: In the new era of the war of the artist Niclas Castello, 46, with a man and a black from his own relationship with Sylvie Meis, 46 years. Schumacher and Bousquet-Cassagne, die sich den Fragen von Familie Geiss star. Allen wanted it to be a big round of compliments for the couple, all from Carmen herself. “I have to invest in a fund and it’s a real joy, which I find, with one of my dear Paare, who I know”, explain the teachers of my friends Ralf and Étienne. And further: “I went through this, I must have had this financing, like – glaube ich – Robert and I, for vielen, vielen Jahren.”

When Carmen came out, it then lasted Schumacher and Bousquet-Cassagne who have their love for the besieged Ewigkeit. Die beiden Männer self isch da zwar noch noch sicher, aber immerhin aufgeschlossen. “The truth is that it is true, it is the truth of the theme,” says Ralf Schumacher, “nach my ersten Scheidung. Da gibt’s ja diesen Spruch: Wer ein 2weites Mal heiratet, hat die erste Scheidung nicht verdient.” Please note that the 49-year version is a two-week list that does not include:

But this fall, we’re going to do it. But we’ve never had the chance to do that, but we know if we have.

Only one Verlobung was not with Ralf and Étienne themselves, but also with Carmen Geiss. If you enter the minute of the minute you have a large fan of the hands and feet, “when they are there”, they are there. Abschließend schiebt sie begeistert et salopp suggests: “Ihr seid für mich ein Traumpaar, ihr passt einfach zusammen wie A**** auf Eimer.” Woraufhin Robert das Thema schnell mit einem “Hat sie schön gesagt, ou?” absorbed.

Michael Schumacher talks about Robert Geiss, one of the inspirations for his casual employees

I am in a relationship with Ralf, Carmen and Étienne who are the head of the Robert family and the age of their parents: since 1995 in Monaco, the war has been led by Ralf’s brother, Michael Schumacher, 55 years old, during his lifetime as author. “Ich habe genau das nachgemacht, was dein Bruder vorgemacht hatte”, therefore Robert’s nun. And this is how the high millions of businessmen have a good group:

I will go away today: (Michael) hat die richtigen Berater, der wird die richtigen Steuerberater haben. White, the hinge woman, misfortune is the belly, misfortune is the safest, the woman under the Umständen auch ein paar Steuern spart and the woman if the belly can aufhalten kann.

Am Ende hätte Familie Geiss “genau das selbe” with the Schumacher family gemacht: “Ich hab das erstmal so aufgenommen und mir gedacht: Was der da macht – (das) mach’ ich auch”, berichtet der 2weifache Vater. Just a thought, Robert and Carmen never did this. “Wir lieben es bis heute, deshalb sind wir immer noch hier”, thus der Unternehmer.

Verwendete Quelle: Podcast “Die Geissens” via RTL+
