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Innocan Pharma offers funds for quarter 2024 expenses • news • onvista

Innocan Pharma offers funds for quarter 2024 expenses • news • onvista

IRW-PRESS: InnoCan Pharma Corporation: Innocan Pharma has joined the financial budget for the next quarters of 2024

2.7-facher Umsatzzuwachs im Jahresvergleich auf 24 Mio. US$ over the 9 month period

Herzliya, Israel and Calgary, Alberta – November 20, 2024 / IRW-Press / Innocan Pharma Corporation (CSE: INNO) (FWB: IP4) (OTC: INNPF) (das Unternehmen oder Innocan), a specialized technology pharmaceutical company, auf die Entwicklung von Innovationn Plattformtechnologien zur Verabreichung von Arzneimitteln This is a specialized group, very happy, in a consultation seminar for the three and a next month of September 30, 2024.

Current financial dates

– Purchase Price: Purchase costs in a new month reached 174% in the purchase cycle of 24.0 million. US$ and in the three Monaten at 111% in the year auf 8.6 Mio. The US dollar was at the start of the US dollar exchange rate of Innocan-Tochter BI Sky Global Ltd.


Abbildung A: Anhaltend starke Umsatzzuwächse auf Konzernbasis.

– The price of crude is raised to 183% in the new amount of 21.8 million. US$ generated by the new Monaten des Vorjahres 2023 (7.7 Mio. US$). The price of crude oil is set at 112% of 7.8 million. US$, amounts to 3.7 million. US$ im written for quarter 2023.

– Please note that the amounts transferred to the accounts are 0.4 million. US$, this is an investment of 1.6 million dollars. US$ I pay for an operational investment of 1.2 Mio. US$ im written for quarter 2023.

– The Reingewinn erhöhte sich auf 0.3 Mio. US$, which brings in over 2.1 million. US$ im Vergleich zu a netoverlust von 1.8 Mio. US$ im written for quarter 2023.

Commentary from the Directions

Iris Bincovich, CEO of Innocan, said: Our direction for the business of the quarter and for the time of a new Monat has been led by Innocan in its dual objectives of pharmaceutical activities and well-being of the action with solid solutions. The chronic Schmerzen, more and more of a number of public transport measures of the United States, are applied to the way of providing water supply services in the ambulant organization*. Our solutions and solutions for chronic problem management have been achieved through strong innovations and extensive research in pharmaceutical management. With our LPT-CBT injection for effective disease treatment, we have a simple solution for the management of chronic diseases without opioids in men and living standards, auf dem von untwickelten Mechanismus der Zneimittelverabreichung beruht.

Roni Kamhi, CEO of Innocan-Tochter BI Sky Global and COO of Innocan Pharma, said: We invite you to discover our operational and financial dynamics until the end of January 2024 and our new strong financial quarter. We are happy to tell you that there is a constant in a certain neighborhood of people who know you. Our online platform offers exceptional performance and best investment for a large investment in new monat amounting to 174% of 24.0 million. US$ generated by Vorjahr and a gross income of 183% of 21.8 Mio. US$. This Erfolg is the Ergebnis der erfolgreichen Einführung unserer neuen Produkte und eines gestiegenen Markenbewusstseins.

Innocan has established the Board of Directors Finance and Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) for the third month on September 30, 2024 and presents the executive profiles to you on

About Innocan

Innocan is an innovator in the field of pharmacology and wellness. Under Innocan pharmacology, we have created a research platform for CBD-rich liposomes, precise dosage and free control of synthetic CBD preparation for the management of opioid harmful substances. In the area of ​​well-being, Innocan offers a complete portfolio of leisure and beauty products for a well-designed lifestyle. In this segment, Innocan is part of the 60% commercial company BI Sky Global Ltd.

More information:

For more information on how you are located:

Iris Bincovich, CEO



+44 203 769 9377

[email protected]

*Chronic pain – StatPearls – NCBI Library


Vorsichtshinweis zu zukunftsgerichteten Informationen

The best information in these media outlets, but they are not described auf, information on research and assistance, operations, the Einreichung potenzieller Anträge bei der FDA and other aufsichtsbehörden, das potenzielle Erreichen zukünftiger behördlicher Meilensteine , The potential for knowledge management and other therapeutic solutions, as well as research activity and/or companies’ products are created, advanced technologies and strategic plan for the market are taken into account. Informationen im Sinne der geltenden Wertpapiergesetze. It conforms to the nature of health, risk information and hidden risks, similarly to the control of Innocan control. Die in Dieser Pressemitteilung enthaltenen zukunftsgerichteten Informationen basieren auf bestimmten Schlüsselerwartungen et -annahmen von Innocan, einschließlich der Wartungen et Annahmen hinsichtlich der erwarteten Vorteile du travail, der Erfüllung der behördlichen Anforderungen en verschiedenen Rechtsordnungen und des zufriedenstellenden Abschlusses der erforderlichen Produktions- und Vertriebsvereinbarungen.

General information on risks and expenses, so that toiletries and accessories are available in this press for printing at a cost. Zu den wichtigsten Risiken and Unwägbarkeiten gehören unterem: allgemeine global and local (nationale) Wirtschafts-, Markt- und Geschäftsbedingungen, staatliche and Regulatorische Anforderungen and Maßnahmen von Regierungsbehörden sowie die Beziehungen zu Lieferanten, Herstellern, Kunden, Geschäftspartnern and Wettbewerbern. There are also risks, in the nature of the products, innovative products, unique import and export products and solutions, all suppliers and other techniques (or law) for the operation and product and product verification. Agricultural products in my market. The market development plan for the market can be up to a time of year, as well as insecurity, job offers for businesses, or businesses, and an easier time for l ‘abschluss and/or the other. Erfüllung der Herstellungs- und Vertriebsvereinbarungen. In this article you can find the information you need to know about the Zeitplans for the start of the products released. Comprehensive experience of other risks, such as those of Innocan auswirken, is also in the economic wealth and possibilities of Innocan to be found, under the Innocan profile on

Die Leser werden darauf hingewiesen, dass kein unangemessenes Vertrauen en zukunftsgerichtete Informationen gesetzt werden sollte, da die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse erheblich von den zukunftsgerichteten Informationen abweichen können. Innocan ne verpflichtet sich nicht, zukunftsgerichtete Informationen aufgrund informationen, zukünftiger Ereignisse or aus anderen Green zu actualisieren, zu korrigieren oder zu revidieren, es sei denn, die wird durch geltendes Recht verlangt.

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