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This woman is behind the Einstein Discovery Center in Ulm

This woman is behind the Einstein Discovery Center in Ulm

For the young American Nancy Hecker-Denschlag, a trauma was created: a spectacular show on the Donau presented by the sound of the organism for the Einstein Discovery Center.

With a spectacular presentation and water show on the Donau, the Ulmer Bevölkerung am Sonntagabend erfahren, like the Albert Einstein Discovery Center factory, is also there. Dann wird der Entwurf des Stararchitekten Daniel Libeskind auf einer Wasserwand zwischen Ulm et Neu-Ulm en Szene gesetzt.

Darauf freut sich besonders eine Frau, die im Gegensatz zu Albert Einstein nicht en Ulm geboren ist. Nancy Hecker-Denschlag was born in 1966 in Oak Park near Detroit, Michigan for the world and died in 2009 in Ulm. There is the treibende Kraft behind the new big project in Ulm, which costs 90 million euros and jährlich, therefore a prediction, which will cost $200,000.

Hecker-Denschlag: The Albert Einstein Discovery Center is free

“It’s a marvel and an extraordinary piece of work,” Nancy Hecker-Denschlag said at the time. “Das soll ein Juwel für die Stadt werden.” 2029 will soon be available at the gigantic Mitmach museum, which is not yet the home of the famous Sohnes der Stadt darstellt. Die Theorien und Erkenntnisse des Nobelpreisträgers sollen erlebbar werden. Young and old Besuchers have to experiment for themselves.

Nancy Hecker-Denschlag (li.) in March 2024, as Stararchitekt Daniel Libeskind (re.) from the created Einstein Discovery Centers stand.

Nancy Hecker-Denschlag (links) in March 2024, as Stararchitekt Daniel Libeskind (right) of the supported Einstein Discovery Centers plant stand.

Nancy Hecker-Denschlag was founded in 2016 by the Einstein Discovery Center and is already at the forefront. He is an independent physicist, working part-time at Zeiss Meditec in Oberkochen (Ostalbkreis) and “full-time” for the large project in Ulm. “This theme belongs to me exactly Tag und Nacht,” says the 58-Jährige.

Schon als Fünfjährige auf der Einstein Elementary School

Albert Einstein name can be one of the youngest children of girls. While they are residents of Oak Park, a taste of Detroit has an elementary school which is their Grundschule doch tatsächlich “Albert Einstein Elementary School”. If you are really older in your other world war, you need to make sure your virtual school takes pictures.

For your promotion in the United States, medicine is on its way to Europe. 2009 left you his man Mann in Innsbruck, as well as a star at the University of Ulm. Johannes Hecker-Denschlag headed the Institute for Quantum Technology. Nancy found herself in the center of the city of the great physicists Albert Einstein because she was in Ulm almost without a hitch, in an old town.

Company in Ulm with more than 1,100 employees

Nancy Hecker-Denschlag said: “Als dann meine Kinder in Ulm zur Grundschule gingen, hatte ich in ihrem Unterricht das praktische Experimentieren vermisst.” So, for your idea, Ulm has an Albert-Einstein Museum created, for practical work and experiments. As Zugezogene fand sie in Ulm Mitstreiter, die sich für die Vision begeistern konnten. 2016 kam es zur Vereinsgründung. Today, the Albert Einstein Ulm eV discovery center is at 1,100 meters.

The man of the American star architect Daniel Libeskind, on the other side of One World Trade Center in New York and the Jüdische Museum in Berlin, created alliances, golden creations as Sensation, with the niemand of Ulm which was born. “Als ich jetzt den Entwurf gesehen habe, bin ich vom Hocker gefallen – wirklich”, declared the Vereinsvorsitzende.

Entwurfspresentation auf einer Wasserwand auf der Donau

With a spectacular water show in the Donau on the evening of Sunday, November 24, at 7:30 p.m., the exhibition in Ulm and Neu-Ulm took place for the first time. “Wir wollen natürlich auch Werbung machen und den Menschen zeigen, was wir vorhaben,” said Hecker-Denschlag. This Big Project is not yet sponsored by Sponsors and Sponsors. An amount of 1.3 million euros was spent. “Unser Vorbild ist das Ulmer Münster, das aussi als Bürgerprojekt auf die Beine gestellt wurde.”

Nancy Hecker-Denschlag in an interview with SWR in March 2024.

Nancy Hecker-Denschlag in an interview with SWR in March 2024.

Your American company, when your project is created, will be managed by the Nancy Hecker-Denschlag agency. But it is as long as Ulmerin. “Ich bin hier inzwischen länger als in jedem anderen Ort der Erde”, meint sie. And I said, “I think that’s something, and I thought it was something.”