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Hybrid materials – more information on optical data

Hybrid materials – more information on optical data

ERC Synergy Grant for a research project on KIT
Hybrid materials – more information on optical data

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The European Forschungsrat (ERC) supports the ATHENS project at the Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT) with a Synergy grant – 14 million. Euro über sechs Jahre. ATHENS will be at the Karlsruhe Center for Optics and Photonics (KCOP), planned for 2025.

ERC Synergy Grant for the Athens project team with Adrian Schwarzenberger, Prof. Stefan Bräse, Prof. Christian Koos and Hend Kholeif (vlnr). (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
ERC Synergy Grant for the ATHENS project team with Adrian Schwarzenberger, Prof. Stefan Bräse, Prof. Christian Koos and Hend Kholeif (vlnr).

(Image: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)

The ATHENS research project by Professors Christian Koos and Stefan Bräse from the Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT) aims to create an optical communication system mithilfe of more efficient and energy-efficient hybrid materials for machines.

Enormously available data points to the Information and Communications Technology of the Problem. Besonders das digitale Trainieren sogenannter Large Language Models for KI-Anwendungen ist a rechentechnische Mammutaufgabe. The Flaschenhals dabei ist the Kommunikation zwischen Tausenden Prozessoren in riesigen Parallelrechnern. Here’s how to play a center roll optical transceiver: You can use electrical information on the optical signal to access it. Laserfaser oder über einen Lichtwellenleiter efficient et schnell übertragen werden können. We recommend using the signal application in the transceiver in accordance with the silicon-bauteile regulation. This answer is made so that the Queen Siliziumbauteile zu Langsam für die immergößeren Datenmengen be. If there is a high energy consumption of the current Transceiver, there is a high CO₂-Ausstoß der KI-Modelle beiträgt.

Bessere Datenübertragung mit geringerem Energieverbrauch

The ATHENS project includes a new material system and construction system for the electronic installation of optical signals. “Our Ziel is that the transceiver is not within the range of the machine, but it must be as efficient as possible for the most accurate data rates or the most powerful for energy use,” said Professor Christian Koos from the Institute of Photography and Photography. Quantenelektronik und vom Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik des KIT. “The ERC Synergy Grant is applied by a nun, ATHENS engaging in a collaboration – of the Auswahl geeigneter Materialien et de la simulation organischer Moleküle bis zu zu einem funktionierenden Übertragungssystem im Labor. »

Combination of Silizium with other materials

The new project team includes Professor Stefan Bräse from the Institute of Organic Chemistry and the Institute for Biology and Chemical Systems at KIT, Professor Carsten Ronning from the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena and Professor Tobias Kippenberg from the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne. , verfolgt un Hybriden Ansatz: Die Forschenden kombinieren Silizium mit anderen Stoffen. „Silizium-Bauteile is expensive and in large Stückzahlen verfügbar, aber in ihren optical Eigenschaften eingeschränkt. We offer Silizium with other material systems, such a deficit is auszugleichen and the benefits of Silizium are greater for nuts”, so Koos. Zum einen testet das Team den Einsatz organischer Materialien, also Kohlenstoffbasierter Verbindungen. “We can use these molecules in computer simulations, before using the fabric with artificial synthetic components in working factories and printing them on silicon wafers,” says Bräse. A second method is the combination of silicon photoelectric chips with other chips. These are some of the Material plates on a Roll, and there are Crystal-On-Insulator-Platforms, with even more crystals, and the Materials are insulated with Trägersubstrate over and over again.

Research of KIT design for photonics technology

“Research carried out in the field of artistic intelligence constitutes a vast offering for information technology. Yesterday golden es, rasch zukunftsfähige Lösungen zu finden”, said Professor Oliver Kraft, Vice President of Research at KIT. “I am happy that the European Research Council together with ATHENS has a project and study of materials design and This research began with the design of the KIT for photonics technology, and it also established the Center for Optics and Photonics in Karlsruhe, by KCOP, and we now have a development project.

Nutzen also for Quantentechnology and Medizintechnik

The hybrid transceiver material system is not yet present in KI models, but also in quantum technology and medical applications, as well as in sensors for wearable devices or in optical lab-on-a-chip applications for Blutwert analysis.

ERC Synergy Scholarship

The European Forschungsrat fördert mit Synergy Grants vielversprechende Forschungsteams. The project was only created within the framework of the organization of business and world affairs, as well as the established zwischen presentations and schemes, as well as the forts written in the plans of men. For registration 2024, please install 548 Anträge eingegangen. The ERC launched 57 projects for a Synergy grant. Germany is part of 34 of the ausgewählten projects and damit mit Abstand am stärksten vertreten. The advantage of KIT is that of the very important prestige of the ERC Synergy Grant which has nothing to do with evil.
