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Brazilian: Pride parade in Rio de Janeiro

Brazilian: Pride parade in Rio de Janeiro

I recently celebrated the last Pride Parade in Rio de Janeiro, one of the most popular LGBT events in Brazil.

The Road in Rio de Janeiro

The parade started on Copacabana Beach, on one of the busiest shores in the world, and proceeded along Avenida Atlantica to Post 2, in the vicinity of the Copacabana Palace hotels. The strip stretches for a length of about 1.3 kilometers and at the base of the movement speed, the atmosphere of Kulisse Rios is awesome, which allows it to move and move.

Organization and organization

The organization of the company lags in the hands of the NGO Arco-Iris, since its beginning in January 1993, for an inclusive management and integration project. The Parade is a meeting place for people from all over the world, with varied costumes and creative signs in support of LGBT rights. “Trios Elétricos”, with the last words ausgestattete Lastwagen, sorgten for musical Unterhaltung entlang der Route, während DJs and Drag Queens in karnevalsähnlichen Outfits auftraten.

Begleitveranstaltungen and Sicherheit

Die Pride Parade There are also many festivals, parties and cultural events. Events on public holidays before the parade organize numerous Blockparties and Circuit Events which aim to ensure that there are as many tourists as possible. The city of Rio de Janeiro takes charge of the organization with a general security center, with Petrobras’ private sponsors being sponsored by state-owned companies.

Preparation and participation in Rio Gay Pride

Rio’s Pride Parade is no fairy tale, but it is an astute political statement. You now have a large audience of media and communities as a platform, a platform for people of the LGBT community to share. The organization is in Neujahr and Carneval is the next event on the Rio de Janeiro calendar.

Die diesjährige Ausgabe held under the motto “Add to strengthen” (Stärken durch Hinzufügen), was die Bedeutung von Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt innerhalb der Gemeinschaft concrete. The Parade is not in a Gelegenheit zum Feiern, but it also probes the reflection on the Fortschritte and the Herausforderungen im Kampf um Gleichberechtigung.

The organization of the Rio Gay Pride Parade 2024 was organized in collaboration with Freud, music and solidarity. You will be able to experience a greater Rios Ruf as well as one of the best districts in the world, the Vielfalt Feiert and the men within all Lebensbereichen will be happy.

Picture : (c) C. Duarte Baptista.